Crossword Clues Start With P, page 38

Played again by fancy red spire Paying tribute to Brussels on record, I quaver Pigment used in some primer paints Pigment used in some primer paints Paint ingredient. Painter's buy. Portable computers Pigment in some primer paints Pigment in some primer paints Pessimist's cousin. Prizing. Party pooper goes off wine Party pooper produces wine that's off from the start Place of central interest, man Plunder drink, being antisocial type Potential murder weapon providing clue, very hot Place of central interest, man Places for spare parts, maybe Perfectly memorised Presented, as an honor, with "upon" Presented, as an honor, with "upon" Presented a present Presented. Pull a face seeing weapon carried by leader of rebels Pines, say, losing one's presents Philistines. Pub repeatedly is disrupted by an uncivilised lot Put briefly, tot gets angry when about to get out of bed Purveyor of "Jersey juice" Provides a seat for Provides with a seat Prove competent Part 2 of quote Prove competent Prove competent Person of the Millennium, according to "Life" magazine Placed in container Predicts Predicts Prophesies Place for a mannequin Parole officer's advice Past masters Printers Printers breed dogs Part of wheel assembly Part of car was very hot around front of radiator -- strange! People in their 80's People in their ninth decade Provided during the French Revolution? How long a thing lasts! Personnel manager's concern Person's loyal if working for money Perform again in urban community that's destroyed Preparing tea Preparing tea Preparing tea Purified; refined Police department Police clear chap's bin in error Pursued, catching ten to be punished Pilgrims' landing spot Pilgrims' home Puckery fruit Persistent problems Persistent problems Pet hates insects round brook Plan to reverse small vehicles Pecan pickers. Prehistoric tool Poles must welcome complete idiots Precinct with one tree adapted for emergency facility? Prehistoric stone tool Private matters made public Private things that are embarrassing Parachutist's outfit Parachutist's garb Place to board boat Performers of a kind. Park in Vienna. Peace-loving Peaceful Peace-loving Peaceable Party opposing one call for peace is not this Plants Scotsman placed in lavatory Partitioned section Private room on a train Poultry hierarchy Poultry hierarchy Presently Presently People in the know. Privileged people Pillbox accessory Pillbox fastener Pad the bill Price too high. Player in quartet that's been successful thus far Pillbox accessory Pillbox fastener Pitiless Pick. Program choice Promise to present unit with weapon Pillbox fastener "Put your purse away" Pillbox fastener Pillbox sticker Pillbox poker Pillbox poker Pillbox sticker Potential shooting star Piccolo, for one Potential shooting star Pack hoodie, perhaps, with remaining diamonds? Pawed Polled Polled Peace. Praised Praised Potentially all decent -- bar this stage performer! Protracted dance, or friendly ball? Performer giving recent ballad a new twist Pretension Pretentious aestheticism Pretension Part, in essence, reveals theatricality Popular pooches Printing method Playful language? Move slowly, that's scary! Parallel Prize more highly than public university in countryside area Play starring Margaret Mead? Places where suckers are lined up Put up arms, and their attachments Per-item cost Physicist of principle begins here to be disturbed Patrons Poker player, at times Polish worker grabs large, deceitful poker player (7) Peacekeepers Producer of motion pictures? Parasite Poetic sort in troubled new soul-searching Precipitation. Provokes Prickly plants Precipitation product Plants with stinging hairs Provokes Place one can retire to Pesky weeds. Player going for a catch? Pass -- one is to be shown going round settlements Prickly plants Plants with stinging hairs Prickly plants Provokes Prickly plants Promptly: Colloq. Prickly plants Prickly plants Prickly plants Plants observed going up round dry lake Present Present going with birthday suit Places for jacks Provides data Prove. Prove the truth of Prove aunt is best at dancing Pair of journalists did a job on the Internet Place bet in error after account's deemed satisfactory Pure tuna mixed with a condiment Place for a hanging Place where a creative type hangs? Pa's ma Pa's ma Potentially earning as possible babysitter Publishers Clearing House event Promotional lotteries Publishers Clearing House event Plainly Printed; published Plainly Popular chess opponents? On paper Popular chess opponents? On paper Printed one introduction to novel with Shades of Grey formula? Place for a whupping Place to store cords Place of discreet punishment Place of discreet punishment Pertaining to a city executive. PM facing test in respect of Boris Johnson at one time? Pined Planted trees on Planted trees Pupa within its cocoon Path less traveled Path less traveled Parade Person concerned with figures Person concerned with numbers Prisoner expresses admiration for US Congress? Pleasure-seeking travelers People "on the go." Pusher's target? Produced glossy cover for bilingual editor? Pressing item? Party with any number under canvas makes one unhappy Piranha furiously eating hosiery efficiently dealt with outfit Prime V. I. P.'s in London. Prime ___. Preservative that is starchy much favoured Pinta's trips Passages from Gove, say, getting circulation Powerless to accept reviled revolutionary with incorrect address? Pirates' eyepieces Programmer's product Programming Programmer's output Plunge upside down, softly -- no good, obviously Party-backed candidate. Prominent leader in arrears -- and debt to be rescheduled Primary line Political group. Police, informally Police those playing for Man City? Plot involving devious chat in groups Part of Christianity supporting check on opponents before mass Potters around these items of furniture having a nap Portray as evil happening, surrounded by death Pertaining to the joints Podunk Put on the alert Podunk Podunk Podunk, proverbially? Place with unique way to get around dump? Periodicals People and Money, e.g. People Time and Money Parsimonious. Partnership Pool Paris cultural district Put an edge on Paris cultural district Paris district