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Crossword Clues Start With A, page 789

All-inclusive All-inclusive 'Alphabet Song' gamut All-inclusive All-encompassing All-inclusive All-inclusive expression All-inclusive All-inclusive All-inclusive All-inclusive All of the files Alphabetical arrangement All-inclusive All-inclusive All-encompassing All-inclusive, and a hint to 20-, 28-, 49- and 56-Across All-inclusive All-encompassing All-inclusive, and a hint to 20-, 28-, 49- and 56-Across All-inclusive All-encompassing Airstream or Winnebago enthusiast Airstream owner, for short Airstream owner Airstream owner Acting groups Acting companies Acting companies Act like Vesuvius Appear suddenly Act like a volcano Act like a volcano ___ above (minimally) Aspic is one Aspic, to Antoine Aspic: Fr. Aspic ___ (savory French dish) Aspic-like dish Aspic, e.g. Aspic ___ (savory French dish) Aspic-like dish Arizona Indians Arizona tribe Arizona Native Americans Arizona Indians. Arizona Indians Ariz. tribe Arizona tribe members Arizona natives Atl. Braves' division Atlanta Braves' div. Atl. Braves' division Atl. Braves' division Atlanta Braves' div. Atlanta Braves' div. Atlanta Braves' MLB div 40-Acr. is in it 40-Acr. is in it 40-Acr. is in it Asian wonder-worker Ascetic type just keeping OK, though without love Ascetic holy man Abash Abash Abash Abash Alternative to odds 2, 4, 6, 8, and so forth Alternative to odds Aligns Against the odds. Adjusts a hemline Adds one to three, e.g. Alternative to odds Abrupt realignment of policy priorities Axis Abrupt Abrupt A little underfunded Abbreviated. Army general relieved of command. Abrupt. Abbreviated Adjective for an elf Abrupt and sweet Abrupt and 26 Across: Cut, cut 20 out from 1 Across -- unfortunately returned with elevens? Ale head Affect Airbag activator A striking together. Airbag activator Affect Airbag activator Airbag trigger Airbag trigger Airbag activator Asian opener Alps site: Abbr. Aus. setting 31-Across locale: Abbr. Asian lead-in Andorra's cont. Andorra's cont. Aus.'s continent A continent: Abbr. Area east of Amer. Asian preceder A neighbor of Afr. Area north of Afr. A cont. Asian lead-in Asian leader? Abbr. on a currency exchange board Alternative to the USD Asia's neighbor: Abbr. Afr. neighbor A cont. Asian leader? Alb.'s place Afr. neighbor Asian lead-in Andorra's cont Asian leader? Andorra's cont Afr. neighbor Afr. neighbor Auto gauge Auto gauge Auto dial Auto gauge Aircraft control panel device, for short Auto gauge Auto dial Alcohol money mostly to pay for university Alcohol -- not a cure I tried ___ above (minimally) Agent: Suffix Ad Ad Ad for Jan, say Advertisement for Farah? Advertising film or video Adios's counterpart 15-Across, in Spain 40-Across, south of the border 58-Across of 2001 Actor Pierce Actor who delivered the line "If you're Q, does that make him R?" Arab stopper Arabian stopper "Awesome!" Arabian stopper? Arab stopper Arabian stopper Antonym of "giddap." Avast, on land Answer question on fire raging in water-bearing rock! Amazed exclamation 'Amazing!' Ashley 'Rocky' Smith is outside at Number One presumably A huge success for Ashley 'Rocky' Smith outside A noble fear is torn clothes "Amazing!" '[44-Across] cow!' Author Leonard A character in symbolic writing Author Leonard Author Leonard Author Leonard Author __ Leonard Author Leonard Author Leonard Author Leonard Able to pay America's national bird America's national bird America's national symbol American symbol American symbol American symbol Astaire or Allen Astronomer ___ Lawrence Whipple A Flintstone 1975 A.L. MVP and Rookie of the Year __ Lynn Astaire Actor MacMurray A Flintstone 1975 A.L. MVP and Rookie of the Year __ Lynn Adele's brother Astaire of filmdom Astaire of films 1975 A.L. MVP Lynn Allen of the Alley. Actor MacMurray. Actor Stone. An Allen. Allen or Stone An Allen Adele's brother Astaire or Waring An Allen who wrote "Treadmill to Oblivion" Astaire or Allen Allen or MacMurray Allen or Astaire A Flintstone Armisen of "Portlandia" Animated caveman Astaire or Rogers Actor/politician Thompson Astaire Artist from Spain Artist Artist who wrote "Hidden Faces" Artist who built a Dream House in N.Y. Author of "Babaoua" Arp contemporary 31-Across, for one "Atomic Leda" painter Artist Salvador "Anthropomorphic Bread" painter, 1932 Attempt to be heard Artist who said "I don't do drugs. I am drugs" Artist who said, "Take me, I am hallucinogenic" Artist Salvador Artist who immigrated to America in 1940 Artistic clock melter Artist Salvador Artist influenced by Freud Artist with a signature mustache Artist who said 'I don't do drugs. I am drugs' Artist with a signature mustache Artist with a museum in St. Petersburg, Florida Artist Salvador Artist ennobled by Juan Carlos Artist inspired by runny Camembert Artist with a museum in Spain Artist from Catalonia A number of sides for turquoise-green dish of Gazpacho Artist who wrote "Diary of a Genius" Arp contemporary Arp contemporary Artist who said “I don’t do drugs. I am drugs” Artist lived a lie, in part Artist somewhat weird? A little Artist who helped Hitchcock design a dream sequence for 'Spellbound' Artist who helped Hitchcock design a dream sequence for "Spellbound" Artist who worked with Hitchcock