Crossword Solver / letters / b / 356500

Crossword Clues Start With B, page 1427

Beat by a whisker Beat by a nose Border Brink Barely beat Border Border Beat narrowly, with 'out' Brink Border Beat by a whisker Borderline Beat by a nose Barely beat Better chance Blade feature Border Boundary Better chance of winning Blade part Barely defeat Beat by a nose Beat by a hair Barely beat Better but barely? Business part of a blade Border Business part of a knife Beat by a whisker Blade part Brink Blade's sharp side Borderline Border Brink Benefit of one-upmanship Border Barely defeat Beat by a nose Barely beat Blade Border line Barely win, with "out" Beat, but barely Barely beat Beat by a whisker, with "out" Boundary line Blade's sharpness Beat by a whisker Border Beat, barely Beat slightly Blade part Beat by one run, say Barely better Boundary Barely defeat Brink Beat by a little Border Brim Beat by a hair Beat by a whisker Blade's sharp side Benefit of one-upmanship Brink Barely beat (out) Boundary Brink Boundary Barely beat Beat at the buzzer Border Beat by a bit Border of a table Brim Beat by a nose Beat by a nose Boundary Barely beat (out) Beat at the buzzer Border Barely beat Beat by a bit Boundary line Barely beat Border line Beat at the buzzer Beat by a whisker Border Border Brink Barely beat (out) Barely beat Barely defeat Boundary Beat by a bit Brand of shaving gel Brim Brink Barely beat Brink Bono bandmate, with "the" Border Badgered without Brad from Trim Border, boundary Boundary no batsman wants to get? Border Brim Border; advantage Border Bite lip Border of an East End garden? Border surrounded Germany, partly Border taken from defeated Germans Bitterness from angered gendarmes Bite from bloodied gentleman Bitterness from defeated general Bitterness from imprisoned geisha Bite from enraged gentleman Borderline Beat, but not badly Beat, barely Border line Border Bite from bloodied general Border feuds grew on a regular basis Border Beat, but barely Boundary Brink Brink Barely beat (out) Barely beat Border Border Border Beat by a nose Beat by a nose Brink Beat by a run, say Beat by a run, say Border Border Border of a tabletop Barely beat (out) Beat by a small margin Beat out Border, rim Barely defeat Boundary Beat by a hair Beat by a hair Border, say, of French brought up Breaks in jazz Breaks in jazz Braugher of “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” Braugher of 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Braugher of 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Benedict Arnold's co-conspirator Braugher of "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" Braugher of 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' ____ Breton is recognised as the founder of Surrealism Boot-camp fare "Bless This ___" Big trouble Barn sackful Boot-camp banquet Base meal? Boot-camp eatery Base eatery Become involved (with) Boot's meal Bruin's home Big problem Bruins' sch. Bollix (with "up") Bruins' letters Bad situation Big trouble Bruins of the NCAA Bachelor's pad, maybe Become involved (with) Bruin campus Boot's meal Boot camp meal Browse for three keys - one of them to be used twice Barracks break Bridge platform Boat landing Berth place Bridge support Breakwater Bruins' home Bridge support Boot-camp cuisine Boot-camp fare Boater's walkway Bruins' campus: Abbr. Bruin's home Bruins' sch. Boardwalk attachment Base meal Bungle, with "up" Botch, with "up" Boot camp chow Bollix (up) Bruins' school: Abbr. Bruins' school Batch. Botch. Boater's walkway Breakwater Bungle. Bridge support Bruins sch. Berth place Boardwalk structure Berth Bridge support Bruins of the Pac-12 Bruins' sch. Boater's walkway Bill Walton's sch. Boardwalk attachment Big Mo meal Bollix Boardwalk extension Beetle Bailey's dinner Berth place Botch Bollix (up) Bridge support Big Five member. Bruins' Alma Mater. Bungle, with "up" Berth place Branch of a great university. Boot camp fare Bruins' alma mater. Big job for a housekeeper Boot camp meal Base fare Botch (up) Berth place Bruins of the West Bruins' campus Bruins' den in Calif. Base fare Bruins of Calif.