Crossword Solver / letters / d / 82750

Crossword Clues Start With D, page 332

Dessert is fool Drop answer in superfluous material for university course Dietary must Dietary need Dietary necessity Dietary need Diet necessity Diet need. Diet factor. Diet staple Diet essential Dietary essential Dietary need Dietary need Dietary need Display "Darn it, didn't work!" Decants Does a sommelier's job Does a sommelier's job Does some bartending Decants Does the honors at tea. Decants. Decants Decants Does a bartender's job Does more than drizzle Does more than drizzle Does a bartender's job Does some bartending Dad's sibs Dad's bros Divided, like some doors Diamond-___ window Divided into sections Divided, as a window Divided, as glass Divided, as windows Divided, as windows Divided, as glass DNA source DNA source DNA source DNA source Delaware Senator Delaware senator Delaware’s longest-serving senator Drain cleaner chemicals Drain cleaners Drain cleaners Drain decloggers Drain cleaner chemicals Drain decloggers Drain-unclogging chemicals Drain-cleaning solutions Drain-unclogging chemicals Drivers need them Drivers have them Data processing room Document for Edison Diamond buyer's choice Diamond buyer's choice Describing some stones, colour diminished Down track, a butterfly Drudgery Describing a certain unfortunate feline. Dislike thoroughly. Detest Despise Detest Decent chap Decent human being, informally Decent human being, informally Dilatory Dilatory. Dilatory Dawdler Dilatory one Don't leave it to the experts! Deviser of humorous sound transpositions. Doctor who might have described himself as a bird-watcher Defunct radio program. Dictate two letters, hot stuff Driving sport Dating stumbling block, perhaps Difference between generations Dating stumbling block, perhaps Difference between generations Daters' concern, perhaps Difference between Gen-Xers and baby boomers Drivers' game Dad's flipped about scrambled egg -- a difference between him and mum? Difference in years, for example, between a girl's first and a chap's last Disputed Heights Driving passion? Disputed heights Disputed Heights Disputed heights Disc ___ (game with tee pads) Disc ___ (game with tee pads) Driving sport Director, once a mayor Disney movie: 1939 Driving test, of a sort Driving sport Disobey Disobey Delaware senator Delaware senator Delaware senator Delaware senator Joseph Delaware senator Delaware senator Disobey 11 Down's vice president Delaware senator since 1973 Delaware's senior senator Delaware senator Dare Disobey boldly and openly Disobey Daughter amazingly fey to oppose authority Don't obey Describes the English language spoken in 8 across at independent college Describes the English language in a manner of speaking at independent college Divine Disaster film? Disaster film? Daydreamer Daydreamer Dreamer, wishful thinker Dreamer, wretched case, head in sand in pit Dreamer is set to travel around peak Dreamer Daydreaming, put first of Cornish pasties in a stew Differ amicably Differ amicably Doctor cycles about area, runs hardly at all Dining partner gobbling final piece of salmon up Do the gift over Do the package over again Deserving attention Deserving attention Deserving attention Distinguished Deserving attention Distinguished Distinctive. Distinguished Distinguished Distinguished Distinguished Daydreams. Dreams Daughters of Mnemosyne Daughters of Zeus Designer Cardin Dakota city Disconcerts Discombobulates Discombobulates Discombobulates Discombobulates Disorients Doctor, ideally Doctor, ideally Doctor, ideally Doc Doctor. Doctor, ideally Doctor Doctor Doctor, ideally Doc 3-Down player, e.g. 3-Down player, e.g. Depict by drawing Describe in drawing Draw or paint Depict in words Depict Describe in painting Describe Depict artistically Describe in drawing Describe in detail Describe in great detail Depict Describe Delineate Describe in painting Describe Describe in drawing Describe in detail Depict by drawing Draw, as a portrait Depict artistically Delineate Describe Depict Draw or paint Describe Draw in outline. Draw; paint. Draw a picture. Delineate in drawing. Depict. Delineate. Draw. Delineate Draw Describe Depict Draw, as a scene Describe Describe in words Draw in outline Delineate Depict by drawing Describe in drawing or words Depict artistically Describe in drawing Describe via drawing Draw Depict by drawing Describe Delineate Depict in words Depict artistically Describe by drawing Delineate Depict Describe Draw, as a scene Depict Describe Describe in drawing Describe via drawing Depict Depict by drawing Draw, as a portrait Depict by drawing Depict artistically Describe Depict artistically Describe in drawing Describe Describe by drawing Drifters