Crossword Solver / letters / e / 137500

Crossword Clues Start With E, page 551

Eloise's milieu. Exclude Exclude; counter Equivalent of five houses in Monopoly Exclude Eagles' hit "_____ California" End of poem Extemporize Extemporize Employment opportunity Employment opportunity Excellent Monopoly purchase Eschew the cue cards Extemporize Eschew the script Eschew the cue card Explorer on Mars Exploration vehicle Exploration vehicle Explorer of other worlds Explorer on Mars 007 et al. Emissaries. Emissaries Evangelist abandons evil business managers Evangelist gets rid of evil business managers "Every Breath You Take" singer Entrapment "Every Breath You Take" singer Entrapment Entrapment Elaborate con game Emulate an angry bee Elaborate con game Entrapment operation Emulates a library Emulate a defensive bee Encroach (upon) Encroach (upon) Encroach (on) Encroach (on) Encroach (upon) Encroach (upon) Encroach (on) Encroach (on) Encroach on, impinge on Encroach on one northern border Encroach, impinge Extends credit Extends credit Emulates a pawnbroker Extends credit Expects the return of Epsom Downs racer Equine animal Equine Equine Equine animal Epsom Downs racer Equid Equine animal Equine animal Equine animal Equestrian's need Equine Elsewhere Erstwhile Russian rulers Erstwhile rulers Emperors. Emperors Erstwhile Russian rulers Erstwhile Russian rulers Erstwhile rulers Elvis' record label Elvis's record label Electronics giant Elvis's recording co. Elvis Presley's longtime label Electronics co. Elvis's record label Elvis's label Elvis's label Elvis' record label Elvis's record label Electronics giant Endless cloud off island bordering Mississippi? Emphatic agreement Emphatic affirmative Emphatic affirmative Emphatic agreement Effect of a weak TV signal Early TV problem Elsewhere Eager for company Eager for company Eager for visitors Embraced Entry post Ever-vigilant sort "Eureka!" cause Explanation Elementary Earliest English writer. English novelist. English novelist and scientist. Edgar or C.P. Everest topper English novelist Evidence of interference close to election seen in broadcast Eliot of the Untouchables Eliot of the Untouchables Eliot the "Untouchable" Eliot of "The Untouchables" Eliot or Loch Eliot the Untouchable Eliot of the Untouchables Eliot of "The Untouchables" Ending like -acity Eliot of the Untouchables Eliot ___, T-man on TV. Elliot. Eliot of the F.B.I. Early TV hero Ending for glad or sad Eliot or Loch Eerie loch Early 60's TV hero Eliot ___ Eliot of "The Untouchables" Eliot who pursued Capone Elite squad Elite group Elite group Elite group Elite group Elite squad Evil personified Evil guy Exorcist's target Evil incarnate Evil guy Evil figure Evil incarnate Evil One Exemplar of evil Evil one Embodiment of antagonism Evil personified Evil one. Exile from Heaven. Evil one Exorcist's target Evildoer Eden tempter Evil figure Evil angel Evil one down below Eden tempter Evildoer Evil personified Evil incarnate Evil one Evil buyer of souls Evil one Evil angel Evil one down below Evil one Evil buyer of souls Evil personified Evil one Evil figure Evil figure Evil personified Eliot the fed Eliot who chased Capone Eliot of the Untouchables Eliot of the Untouchables Eliot of the FBI Eliot or a mysterious loch Eliot the crime-buster Eliot with a machine gun English version of the hickory stick. Eliot who chased Capone Eliot of the Untouchables Eliot of the Untouchables Eliot the crime-buster Eliot or a mysterious loch Eliot of the FBI Ending like -acity Eliot of the Untouchables Eager ending Ending for eager Exquisite ender Ending like -ity 'EarthBound' hero Eg, rattan Effective ending Emulate Maxwell Perkins End of a bridal path Expurgate Elevated church area End of a bridal path Eucharistic table End of a bridal path Elevated church area Elevated platform Elevated place End of a bridal path End of a bridal path. Exalted place. End of the bridal path Eucharist spot End of a bridal path End of a bridal path Ecclesiastical centerpiece End of single bliss End of a bridal path Exalt architecture in part or section of church End of a bridal path End of a walk down the aisle End of a bridal path Elevated place Emulate Tina Brown, for example Emend Emulate Perry White Exchange words? Emulate Perry White Emulate Maxwell Perkins Expunge, with "out" Eliminate, with "out" Emend Emulate Hibbs, Luce, etc. Emulate Horace Greeley. Excise copy. Emend. Emulate William Allen White Emulate Horace Greeley Emulate Harold Ross Emulate Maxwell Perkins Emulate Edward Bok Emulate Mencken Emulate Norman Cousins Emulate Fadiman Emend a manuscript Emulate Robert Giroux Emend Emulate Charles Merz Emulate Greeley Expunge, with "out"