Crossword Solver / letters / f / 193500

Crossword Clues Start With F, page 775

Fawned-over star Fan club's focus Fan favorite False god Fan mag subject Fan club's focus Favorite Fan club favorite Fan favorite Frequent autograph signer Fan mail recipient Fox hit since 2002, familiarly False __ Fan club focus False concept False conception False god Folk hero Fan club's focus Fan-club focus Fan-mag subject Fan-mail recipient Fox series, for short Fan club's following Fan's focus Fan favorite Fan fave Fan-club favorite Fan mag subject Fan's focus Fan letter recipient Fox franchise, familiarly Fabian, once False god Fox juggernaut since 2002, familiarly Frequent gossip column subject Favorite of the fans. Fans' favorite. Favorite. Fan club hero. False god. Fetish. Fantasy Fan club's hero Fetish ___ facto Facto intro ___ facto -- facto — facto facto -- facto ''Facto'' forerunner __ fatso: bit of Archie Bunker language-mangling ___ facto __ fatso: bit of Archie Bunker language-mangling ___ facto ___ facto ___ facto — facto — facto _____ facto __ facto __ facto __ facto Frightened utterance Frightened cry Fido's plaint. Frightened exclamation Frightened exclamation Frequently sarcastic texted laugh Forced laugh Forced laugh sound Forced chuckle Forced chuckle Forced laugh sound 'Funny stuff' Fret Fret Fret Fret Fret. Fret or chafe Fret Fret Fret Fret Fret Fret Fret "Filled to the brim with girlish ___." "Filled to the brim with girlish ___ . . . " Feeling after triumph Fox series set in William McKinley High School Feeling upon winning the lottery Fanzine subject Fan club focus Fox musical show Fan fixation Fan magazine cover personality Fan's favorite Fans' hero Fanzine favorite Fan fixation Fawned-over figure Fan favorite Fan fixation Fan magazine cover personality Fanzine focus Fan club honoree Fan's fave Former show about a high school choir Fan letter recipient Fan focus Fan club focus Fan's favorite Fan club honoree "False" thing of worship Fox series that has spawned numerous albums False thing to worship False or graven object Fan fave Fox premiere of 2009 Feeling upon winning the lottery Fox series whose last episode was 'Dreams Come True' Fan favorite False god Fantasia, in 2004 Former show about a high school choir Fox's "American ___" Fox series that has spawned numerous albums Fanzine favorite Former Fox talent show, for short Fan mail recipient Fawned-over figure Fifteen-season Fox show, for short Fan club's focus Fan club favorite Fan's fave Fan mail receiver Fanzine fave Fan fave Fan club fave Fox series set in Lima, Ohio Fox musical with the New Directions singers Ft. Lauderdale locale Fan's favorite Fans' favorite Felt remorse Felt sorry Felt sorrow for Felt bad about Felt regret Felt sorrow over Felt sorry about Felt contrite about Felt remorse for Felt sorrow over Felt sorry about Felt repentant about Felt bad Felt bad about Felt remorseful about Felt regret over Found painful to recall doing Fan-club favorite Felt repentance Felt sorrow over Fan fave Felt contrite about Felt remorse for Former TV show about a singing club Felt sorry about Felt regret Felt sorrow over Felt remorse Felt remorse for Fox musical series Felt regret for Felt bad about Felt contrite about Felt sorry about Felt remorse about Felt remorse about Felt sorry about Felt sorrow Felt regret for. Fan club favorite ___ facto ____ facto __ facto Felt regret. __ facto ___ facto Felt remorse. ___ facto Felt sorry. Facto lead-in __ facto __ facto ___ facto ___ facto Felt compunction Fan favorite __ fatso: bit of Archie Bunker language-mangling __ facto Facto front? Felt repentance Fan mail recipient Felt bad about Facto lead-in Felt sorry about ___ facto Felt remorse - facto Fox hit since 2002, familiarly _____ facto -- facto ___ facto Felt remorse for Felt very bad about Felt remorse about __ fatso: bit of Archie Bunker language-mangling Felt regretful about __ facto ___ facto False __ Felt repentant Fan club focus Felt remorseful about "__ facto" Felt repentant about "__ facto" Felt sorry about __ facto ___ facto Felt regret ___ facto Felt remorse ___ facto (by that very fact). Felt remorse about Felt regret over Felt bad about what one did Felt remorse over ___-facto. Felt sorry for Fox talent show, for short Felt awful about Felt remorse for ___ facto.