Crossword Solver / letters / h / 73750

Crossword Clues Start With H, page 296

Hamish's upset following end of referendum confusion Hotchpotch Hotchpotch (informal) Hodgepodge Hodgepodge Hill invader He may be toothless, but he takes in the workers! Headquarters of the US Defence Department Headquarters of the US Defense Department He spent December 25, 1642 being born in Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth He was born Dec. 25, 1642. [Hint] Apple on the head Harmony's environs Harmony's counterpart Head of U.S. Navy, 1917–18. Highbred Help to recollect Help to recall Help to recall Hits the brakes Hits the brakes Hinders Hits the brakes Hinders Holds up Had words? Had words "Hath ___ money?": Shylock Had one's say Had a talk Hub-to-rim bar Held forth. Held forth Had one's say Had one's say Held forth given small prod Had words Hardly ever Hardly ever Hardly ever. Hardly ever Hardly ever Hardly ever Hardly ever Hardly ever Having made the side, a sportsman's idle very rarely (4,2,1,4,4) High-end German cars High-end German cars Hosp. readings Heart renderings, for short Heart MD's readings Heart tests: Abbr. Hospital readouts, for short Heart charts (abbr.) Heart charts, for short Heart renderings, for short Heart MD's readings Heart tests: Abbr. Heart lines?: Abbr. Heart tests: Abbr. Heart readings: Abbr. Heart charts Hosp. readings Hosp. tests Heart tests, for short Hospital charts Heart charts: Abbr. Heart recordings: Abbr. Heartbeat recordings: Abbr. Heart testers, for short Heart lines: Abbr. Heart tests, for short Hosp. readouts Heart doc's tests Heart charts, for short Heart tests, for short Hosp. readouts Heart tests (Abbr.) Heart tests, briefly Heart charts: Abbr Heart tests: Abbr Heart lines?: Abbr Heart lines?: Abbr Heart charts (Abbr.) Haulage cart Heavy cart Hauler's cart Haulage cart Heavy cart Heavy cart Heavy wagon. Hauling cart Horse-drawn vehicle Heavy hauler Horse-pulled vehicle Heavy cart Horse-pulled cart Horse-pulled cart Heavy cart for haulage Hauler's cart Heavy, low cart Horse-drawn vehicle Heavy horsecart Heavy low cart Heavy cart Heavy horse cart Heavy cart Horse cart Heavy, low cart Heavy horse cart Heavy horsecart Hauler's cart Horse-drawn cart Hauler's cart Heavy cart Heavy horse cart Horse-drawn cart Heavy cart for haulage Horse cart Heavy hauler Heavyweights, welterweights, etc.: Slang. Hulk perhaps great given her love Hulk perhaps has delightful woman round Helped through a difficult time, with "over" Helped through a difficult time, with "over" Helped through a tough time, with "over" Helped through difficulty, with "over" Helped along (with "over"). Helped, with "over" Helped, in a way, with "over" Helped get through, with 'over' Helped through difficulty (with "over") Helped through a hard time, with "over" Helped through difficulty (with "over") Helped through adversity, with "over" Helped through difficulty, with ''over'' Helped along, with ''over'' Helped through a tough time, with 'over' Helped through a tough time, with "over" Houston-based petroleum giant, informally Houston-based petroleum giant, informally Hardened flows Hang-around-the-house wear Hang-around-the-house wear Hang-around-the-house footwear Hang-around-the-house footwear Hexahedral puzzle inventor Hexahedral puzzle inventor Honorary head of the Hungarian Engineering Academy Hungarian "cubist" Hungarian cube maker His cube was a craze His cube became a craze Hungarian professor who invented a famous cube "How to___ . . . " Hundred cuts say distributed over extra wood High rise units: Abbr. Humble Humble Humble Humble Humble Humble. Housing units: Abbr. Humble in position Humble Humble in station Humble in position Humble Highrise dwellings: Abbr. Humble in position Humble Humble High-rise homes: Abbr. Humble Humble Humble Humble Humble Humble, height-wise? Humble Housing units: Abbr. Housing units: abbr. Handy defeats Hardly close contests Hardly nail-biters Humiliating defeats Handy defeats Hardly close contests Humiliating defeats Hashes (over) Hotel alternative for travelers Hotel alternative for travelers Hues of the day Hesitant remark *2012 Hot 100 #1 song in both the U.S. and Canada Hedging response Henson of Muppets fame Huck's traveling companion Huck Finn's traveling companion Henson of Muppets fame Henson or Hutton Huck's raftmate Huck Finn's raftmate Henson of the Muppets Huck Finn's friend. Huck's raft-sharer Huck's traveling companion "Herman" cartoonist Unger Huck Finn's raftmate Halpert of "The Office" Huck's raftmate "Huckleberry Finn" character Huck's pal "Huckleberry Finn" character Huck's raftmate "Huckleberry Finn" character Huck's raftmate Huck's friend Huck's raftmate Henson who created the Muppets 'Huckleberry Finn' character Huck's pal Henson who created the Muppets Huck's friend Huck's raftmate Henson of the Muppets Hines, Kern, or Robbins Hundred-dollar bill Hundred-dollar bill Hundred-dollar bill Hundred-dollar bill: Colloq. Hundred-dollar bill "Hundo" Hundred, slangily Hundo 'Hundo' Hundo Hundo Higher auction offer Horn blower Horn blower Horn Horn blower Horn blower Horn blower. Horn-blower. Horn. Horn Horn blower