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Crossword Clues Start With I, page 836

It's frequently in Italian Italian air It may be tough to follow Infrequent It may be sung in Italian Igor Stravinsky's 'Scorned! Abused! Neglected!,' e.g Invested in vegetarianism for a song Infrequent. Insincere show Incomparable It can end on a high note It can end on a high note Igor Stravinsky's 'Fair lady, gracious gentlemen,' e.g Infrequent It's part of P.R. Inch along, like lava Icky stuff It comes out of a tube It may be left by a comb It may be spare It's cast I or II, e.g. It may be just a bit It's cast Installment It may be just a bit Italian jeweler's material It's sought by conquistadores It may be picked It might hold gold It's found in veins It's major for miners ___-Ida (Tater Tots maker) It may lie in a bed It's lode-bearing It's raw It may contain mercury It's often an oxide It's targeted for extraction ___-Ida (frozen potato brand) It may contain gold It's searched for in a rush Iron Range product It can be hard to process It's mined It's mined, all mined! It could be carried in a cart It runs in veins It's mined and refined It's full of minerals It's mined and refined It passes through adits It may be picked out It may be picked It may have a lead part It may have a silver lining It runs in veins It's unsmelted It's número atómico is 79 It's next to mercurio in the tabla periódica de los elementos It's mined and refined It's moved through adits Its símbolo is Au It has one stable isótopo It might have a silver lining It's all in the mine? It's extracted It's pursued in vein It's all in your mine It's major for miners It's of miner concern? It's taken in vein Iberian gold It may be deep in a mine It needs refinement It's found in veins It may have a silver lining? It's found in a lode Iron man's quest? It's found in a lode-bearing wall It's totally unrefined It brings a smile to a miner's face It might require refining It's of miner concern It's of miner interest? Incan treasure It's found in the ground Iron or lead source It may contain iron It might be struck south of the border It's sought by conquistadores ___-Ida It's found in the ground Italian gold Iberian wedding band material <I>Edmund Fitzgerald<I>s cargo It's mined off one's lode It may get panned It may have a silver lining? It may pan out It may be picked out Italian gold Its purity is measured in quilates Its nuclei have 79 protones It was precious to conquistadores It was precious to conquistadores Ideal serve Intrepid airman It counts for 1 or 11 in Black Jack It can't be returned It flies right by Venus It may be worth one in the hand ___ inhibitor It can't be returned It's nonreturnable Incomparable service It's never returned It can't be returned Impeccable service It could be worth 11 points in blackjack Item up one's sleeve It might be worth 11 points It can't be returned Item up the sleeve It's not returnable It has a spot on it It's nonreturnable It gets to the point quickly It isn't returned It can never come back It has two values in blackjack It may be high or low in blackjack It's not returned on the court It doesn't get returned It may be the highest or the lowest It can't be returned Incredible feat involving a hole It's always a winning smash 11 in blackjack 11, in blackjack Impeccable service It's not returnable It may be up your sleeve It may be worth 11 points It can topple a king It could be part of a deal It has a spot on it It cannot be returned It's flexible in blackjack It's no soft serve ___ in the hole It's over a king It and a king make 21 It usually beats a king It's found up a sleeve? It's not returned on the court It may be in the hole It's big in diamonds It's unhittable Incomparable service It's never returned It can't be returned Impeccable service It's not returned It makes a rally irrelevant It's called a bullet in poker slang It's no soft serve It might save a break point It's in a soft hand It takes the king. ___ in the hole It's mined and refined "-ite" rock It's found in a lode It's discovered in veins It's found in a vein It's of miner concern It's found underground Ida's partner? It may be picked out of a pocket It needs refinement ___-Ida (frozen potato brand) It's all in the mine? It's found in streaks It may be high-grade It can be picked out It may be picked out It's picked out of a mine It's extracted It may be found in a deposit It usually ends in "ite" It's found in veins Its processing produces slag Ironworks input It's found in lodes Iron source It's mined and refined __-Ida Tater Tots Ida. neighbor It's found in a lode It's north of Cal. Iron in the rough It's mined and refined It's refined It lacks refinement It needs refining It's found underground "-ite" compound, often Iron source Impeccable service It's no soft serve It's nonreturnable It may be found up a sleeve It's not returned on the court It's flexible in blackjack It's not returnable, in tennis 11, in blackjack It can topple a king It may be up your sleeve It's unbeatable in war It's not returned It's nonreturnable It'll get past you It normally has two A's It isn't returned It has no return It's not returned on the court It doesn't get returned It's over a king It and a king make 21 It usually beats a king It's unbeatable in war "In the hole" card __ in the hole (secret weapon) __ in the hole (hidden advantage) It's not returned Iron source It may lie in a bed It's found in a lode It's found in veins It might be found with a doodlebug It might be picked off It might be moved on a bucket conveyor It might have a silver lining It's found in a lode-bearing wall ___-Ida (brand in the frozen food section) It needs refinement It's all in vein It may be measured in assay tons Iron source