Crossword Clues Start With O, page 15

One getting mostly A's in school One on a dean's list One on a dean's list Outdoor jaunts. Outdoor interludes Opposite of dimin. Opposite of dim. Opposite of dimin. Opposite of dimin. Opposite of dimin. "One Big Happy" tyke Ominous jungle sound One of three Ottoman sultans Ottoman sultan. Ottoman sultan One of three Ottoman sultans Ottoman sultan Original member of the Beatles Observed Observed Observed Options for target practice Overfilling Overindulging Overindulging "... or so __" '... or so __' One of the Vances. Overthrower of Bhutto Oft-unexplored areas Oft-unexplored areas Onetime Gidget portrayer Onetime Gidget portrayer Only state admitted under Grant's presidency: Abbr. Okla.'s neighbor. Ones down in the mouth? Ones down in the mouth? Ones added to the payroll Overdo it at the gym Olympic discus great Olympic discus champ Al Olympian Al Olympic discus great Al One making a roaring start? One making a roaring start? Open squares, in Paris. "Oh, don't ___ surprised!" Oriental cloakroom attendants? Oscar winner for 'No Country for Old Men' Overseas reps. One with a routine One who is easy to predict One who is easy to predict Oblong white linen cloth worn by priests. Oblong vestment Oblong vestment Optimist's mantra Optimist's mantra "__ of star-crossed lovers" "___ of pink sidewinders": B. Joel lyric "_ of star- cross'd lovers." "___ of star- crossed lovers" "___ of pink sidewinders": B. Joel lyric "___ of Sixes." "___ of star-cross'd lovers." ___ of shoes ___ of gloves "___ of star-cross'd lovers": Shak. "___of star-crossed lovers" (Romeo and Juliet) "___ of Blue Eyes" (Thomas Hardy novel) Ones with incendiary ideas Ones who get lighter sentences? Ophthalmologist Of the heavens: Prefix. Ones habitually hanging out in retail complexes Ones habitually hanging out in retail complexes Ones habitually hanging out in retail complexes One thousandth One thousandth indicator One thousandth: Pref. One thousandth part of: Comb. form. One thousand: Comb. form. One thousand: Prefix. One-thousandth: Comb. form One thousandth: Pref Opposite of pref. Opposite of pref. Opposite of pref Opposite of pref Offspring "Why Don't You Get ___" One might be made for an exit One might be made for an exit One might be made for an exit Oscar nominee for "Unfaithful," 2002 2003 Oscar nominee Oscar nominee for "Unfaithful" *Oscar nominee for 2002's "Unfaithful" *Oscar nominee for 2002's 'Unfaithful' Order request at a greasy spoon Offer a libation (for) Offer a libation (for) Offer a libation (for) Obsolete audio technology Obsolete audio technology Obsolete audio technology Opens with effort, as a window Opens with effort, as a window Options in a primitive stress response Options in a primitive stress response One of the Hemingways Overnight, say Ones inflicting humiliation Ones inflicting humiliation Ones inflicting humiliation Oscilloscope curve Oscillating curve Oscilloscope curve Oscilloscope picture Oscillating curve Oscillating curve Ones handing out cigars, stereotypically Ones handing out cigars, stereotypically Ones taking paternity leave for the first time Ones handing out cigars, stereotypically Ones taking paternity leave for the first time Ones handing out cigars, stereotypically Ones handing out cigars, stereotypically Out of it Out of it Old "It cleans your breath while it cleans your teeth" sloganeer Old 'It cleans your breath while it cleans your teeth' sloganeer Offering a lot of channels? Offering a lot of channels? Organize circus performers? Organize circus performers? Organize circus performers? Olympic runner Nurmi Olympian Nurmi Olympian Nurmi known as the Flying Finn Olympian Nurmi Off. statements Official statements, in brief Official accts. Official accts Official accts One reason for a ticket Opposite of lest Opposite of lest Outdoor eating place where you might lay a blanket Outdoor dining spot Outdoor lunch spot Outdoor dining spot Outdoor lunch spot Otters' cousins Otter cousins Otter cousins Overdue salary Official fact finder One of Nasser's names. Online player, briefly Online player, briefly Online player, briefly Obscure stuff Obscure stuff Obscure stuff Obscure things Obscure knowledge Obscure knowledge Opposed to yeahs Offhand turndowns Offhand passes Old beer with the ad line "From the land of sky blue waters" Old beer with the ad line 'From the land of sky blue waters' One hanging near the kitchen sink One hanging near the kitchen sink Old sitcom mechanic, with "the" Old copies Originator. *Offer to acquire a rising agent? *Offer to acquire a rising agent? *Offer to acquire a rising agent? Of a people conquered by Rome. One bringing up the rear Obliterates Obliterates Ocean predator Ocean predator Ocean predator One of reality TV's "Guidettes" Olympic sport with two-person teams Olympic sport since '96 ___ one's rights One way to go One way to travel One way to go One way to get to work One way to go One way to get around town One way to go One way to travel One way to commute One way to get around town One way to travel One way to commute Overdo it at the marathon Ones going downhill fast Ones going downhill fast Ones going downhill fast One-fifth of MMMXXV Old-fashioned cad Old scoundrel O.T. book O.T. book O.T. book O.T. book Old Testament book: Abbr. O.T. book: Abbr. O. T. book Of the church: Abbr. Of churches: Abbr. O.T. book O.T. book of teachings O.T. book O.T. book "O, wad some power the giftie ___ us ..." (Robert Burns) "O, ___ me the lass that..." (Burns) "O wad some Pow'r the giftie __ us": Burns "Oh wad some power the giftie __ us": Burns Offer: Scot. "O wad some Pow'r the giftie ___ us." "O wad some Power the giftie ___ us . . . " "Oh wad some pow'r the giftie ___ us . . . " "Oh, wad some power the giftie ___ us . . . " "O, ___ me the lass ...": Burns "Oh wad some power the giftie ___ us": Burns "O wad some Power the giftie ___ us": Robert Burns "O wad some Pow'r the giftie __ us": Burns 'O wad some Pow'r the giftie __ us': Burns One-legged camera support One-legged camera support One-legged camera support Order lots of Order lots of Order lots of *Opposes in an election *Opposes in an election *Opposes in an election One picking up the tab One paying for everyone One paying for everyone