Crossword Solver / letters / r / 261000

Crossword Clues Start With R, page 1045

Register for work Repair lets tree put down roots again Requiring courage to dispense with British coach for adhering to traditional methods Rude sprite with tie to king Remove frost around head of vital instrument Revealed card is better Resists American money Role not right in Australian film Relief after rising in rank makes you beam Recommended by dieticians – unlike much of what it serves? Rather dull lines penned by beauty River the Parisian recalled is brown shade Rocky powerless boxing figure Rush to let out grasping Republican Run in street, shamefully naked, unclothed Rubbish place to sleep? I'm not sure Regular departures from Kennedy terminal Roughly beat silver leaves in this Resident alien once tucked into ale, terribly sick-making Rear of boat I am attached to – or was Rising in a state I released displays of peevishness Red Reg slurps contains sediment Report from snout reportedly being discussed Round rings, circle left in region on base of nipple Result of pat on baby's back, turn remarkably soppy Reduce tension in defeat: a tyrant's leadership rejected across America Reheats damaged part of wood? Regularly visit sleazier den Regarding outspoken Irish writer's triumph Royal ‘leper' under pressure — he's not himself Romeo in fix around college and university Republican coming to the fore in shadow dance Roasted meat cut, kept moist during cooking Royal rebuke where plant involves a Greek character in high treason Rich, important type, an arse-over-tip jerk Rogue forms despicable type in course of meal . Record endorsements involving Judge back in Balkan capital Rolling Stone caught by Mr Big? Very! Reportedly, get lost pastry Revolutionary recalls loathing for large cat Rising troubles with this kind of bread Refined accent of Under Milk Wood's Lord Result of Sun hacking into telecom company Resort site: Arcadia (it's part of the Med) Rugby player‘s retreat Rubber cushion for bore that's outspoken Resentful, quiet, Warhol's concocted thing involving pop? Rash having primitive song about twitch Reduce pressure and scrub round Remove article from book Roman poet briefly held by groups of old Reds Rustic East Anglian leaders wear peculiar pants Ransack channel for handy menial in sea-food joint? Rope from rear decapitated SA carnivore Regular variation spoilt duet, except for the first, not so good Room in grid without margins Room 101 all about wet blankets Race vehicle's cost adjusted, frame knocked about Rest horse, originally tired out Ridiculous American got up in an inferior way Round trip in Ford that's exchanged in Prague Rug from East Estonia is most dull Random parking in ditch first and road after – this vehicle is South African Rubbish dances by Strictly star Retiring Bengali vicar's well-mannered Roy's header really annoys 3 Radio's airtime schedule essentially gets fouled up Richard Murphy (or so it's said) replaced his president in senior post Richly woven fabric is got up to clothe a certain king Rooty in partnership, cross after right hand is in contact with Ishant's first Retro plain squares under the table, perhaps? Reach god by bus, finally Robin playing over intro of boy band Royal broadcast copies Revolutionary, executed maybe protecting his leader, brittle when heated ROSE (stirred not sure of the definition here as many people stir without RISING) + HIP (in; trendy; hot) Relative takes final revenge in kind Returning inside, shoos out rival master Revolting bad smell Ms Thurman? Fish? That'll be the urchin Removing contents of new Audi with long name Reddish-brown start to autumn, in two different ways Rubbish prison, said dissenting voice Reserve player's attitude when facing reality River carrying long container Refreshing place with nothing staying the same Romantic writer inspired by lake at sunset Refuse to meet with democrat instead of conservative Relief reduces, when eating cold sweets Rise and large unfriendly dog may do this Richly seasoned stew shown in red-top abroad Referring to landlord, party member Report of patient's progress round home Regular place to study protocol Rest of soldiers given uniform in camp Restaurant‘s row about turnover Relating to the centre of reorganised state . Related to what Labour promises to deliver? Rewritten, after resistance suppressed, it's antiracist, this guy figures? Revolutionary path, centrepiece of work, was effective Race heats OK after review Referring to voting system that is vulnerable at edges results in postponement Ready for change when daughter's gone for period Rebuke socialist changing positions where celebrities are found Run? Strangely, yes and no Retreat from Moscow? Ray — powerful — toyed with male bears Respected heads of army units and air force Resent some that escaped Real me is free to be less generous Read endlessly as boss Resolve to belt criminal Restormel doesn't have wet weather Raptors recorded on course Refurbished pantries – with these? Run around collecting gold somewhere near Hawaii Ray, trembling with desire, producing rebel movie Regimental horses to feed by the sound of it Rat run, a pest, going round outskirts of Yeovil Regular helpings of beer is imbibed by drunk once provided Rude to limit area for protecting Resilient European to remain in charge Rex walking leisurely, hiking Reserve hotel with counterfeit yen in three seconds Result: guarantee's run out Rate ‘stormy' vague in precise measurement of space Roman army issue, troublesome flyer when holding line Return of comic dame, central character in Christmas range Rogue charged in a dock after taking heroin Reception from mountain over northern heath Recognises clue about breaks for refuelling Rage consuming one 10 Roman summer resort of note (first book in series) Refined what some tenants may do when rent finally gets raised Result to be disclosed in reverse order Raiders murder as a sport Room with nothing in by chance Run away, though not to go off after degree in PPE Rough sketches outlining germ warfare devices of 1940s Risk taken by fish shop Revealing gear, things which are 12 Rocks caught in chimney glow . Remarkable sleep guru, one forming strong bonds Rather abashed, a bit like Dolly Reveal fifth stop on pub crawl Reduce size of corporation? Renewed attack put off Revolutionary Guards Refuse to get on with actress having been snubbed earlier Record those signing up for competition Really long to inhabit tent in retirement Regularly asked Siri about flowers Row about who to start first getting more complex Redistribute troubled locale's housing cost? On the contrary Rugby player and son getting cold drinks? Receptacle on table, such as golf trophy Reserve placed on abridgement of long almanac Rent reduced in youngster's contract prior to match Reverse edges of inferior part of spur . Ring for sporting combat, Tyson's oddly missing – work hard at the start Response from online church — ‘love' Rex in touch with shrink Reportedly produced and worn by a spinster Ridiculous in support of east German fact denier  Raised with sort of hoist Raise northern river covering track heading west Requests stars outside theatre to supply quips Refreshing coach in golf clubs secured by Arab money Relatively friendly and helpful? Ropey sore throat? It is what makes articulation difficult Rogue found in British river in sixties perhaps Revelation experienced here as cash dispenser appears in post offices Raw material for cordage, say, held by sircars, woven (9, 2 words) Reprimand when retro record snuck into trolley Robin's hideaway scattered with her food stores Retreating crowd overcome by sailor's nasty drop Rocky height, scorched, I had avoided Rich silk or woven tamise Respect valuation opinion Reveal translated part of scripture as appropriate Ruler once more not elected Return from time off before coaching, one having got up Rudeness reciprocated leads to extremely serious complaint Red colour largely visible amongst evidence of fire Relatively famous broadcaster Reverse move to freedom being planned? Romantic country sport played in tiara Revamping courting for social climbers? Record a beat on the radio, a powerful number! Ran European packing firm Railcar put in motion — not at all like The General Reference work mixed up the United States of America with half of Russia Rotting material stinks outside entrance to urinal   Room for experimentation in alcohol abuse Rubbish, naff clue last in puzzle for 'wealth' Record loot hoarded by rank villain Rejection of Thatcher that is unlimited Ruling country's in talks Read nothing — that, he felt, could be Trump's area of expertise? Removes jam from one in French footwear Regularly sneer at rush approaches . Relative peace finally found in European city . Rate of workforce's retirement? . Right, second right, then a left Range one voluntarily holds back Risk a couple of sharp bends, challenging corners Recalled difficulty entering top-rated British and American city areas Riotous glee in a family Recall evening in Paris, eating at ten to seven, or 8:30? Rubbish head of state and others from the Right Representatives in places about to be eliminated Ring friend about Emilia's debut Responsibility for tax Rabbit hoping to avoid duck? Rowers were triumphant Rearranges land in gardens with merry abandon Raw seal? You'll need to fill in a form Recalled face of fellow made redundant Russia finally taking Crimea troubled another country Range of good answers accepted Republican consumed by selfishness sent up as fearsome sort Rod's called out in hellish water Radiators etc not hot? That's worrying! . Remains found in sinister elements of test? River runs through camping shelter Repeats things almost any cryptic crossword contains, but not every one of them Robert's topless boobs flasher Rock mostly split over time Reason for an MOT failure? Rex‘s chicken thigh they're stewing Reason trooper carries pass travelling north Refuse cold chop sent back for demanding chap Red paper out of very fashionable company Revolutionary Guards like somebody logical Returning vessels very suddenly come to a halt Romeo in bits without line to submit in play Royal household cool about second romance Raul Sanguineti beaten all ends up for nothing Returned to small lake surrounded by grass Republican VP hedging about the end of his political influence Reportedly uninjured after rush to find refuge from danger . Row about retired doctor is hurtful Ready for engagement? What Mr and Mrs share is embodied by mostly expensive rings coming up Result of thaw in Vail? Jumps moved up round start of slalom … recently put back in metal folder Resolution satisfied ownership of property after it is abandoned Rod might drink daughter's tea Record husband visiting latest relative Rent reduction causing little sign of emotion Run on your own? Revolutionary Polish tot Reflective poem set in Spanish city