Crossword Solver / letters / u / 11000

Crossword Clues Start With U, page 45

'Uncle' of early TV "Uncle" of old TV 'Uncle' of old TV 'Uncle' who often appeared in drag Uncle ___, nickname for the comedian Milton Berle Uncommon, to de Falla Uncommon: Sp. Unger portrayer in the movies Unique Unbuttered toast at Christmas Unspecialized course of study Unit of online popularity Using the kiddie pool, say Unhappy fan's pastime Union ___ (huge chemical company) Union ___ (Dow Chemical subsidiary) Usherette? Unquestionably Usherette? Undoubtedly Unpredictable currents Unpredictable currents Unintentionally United Kingdom's delegate to Security Council. Unborn baby Unborn child Undergrown Unusually short Unusually short Unnaturally small Using very strong language Uses a clothesline U. S. two-engine bomber. United States medium bomber. U. S. light bomber. Upstate N. Y. county Union Union (of states) Unusual object Ubiquitous puzzle birds User of tobacco Unlike a wild horse Unlike a wild horse Unlike a bucking bronco U. S. soprano U.S. designer Users of lures Unbeaten Unforeseen obstacles Uterus part Uterus part Uterus part Unwrap in a hurry Unwrap quickly, as a parcel Unwrap in a hurry Unwrap in a hurry Unwrap impatiently Unwrap with gusto Unwrap impatiently Unwrap impatiently Unwrap impatiently Unwrap hastily Unwrap excitedly Unit of retaliation, Biblically Upright stone slabs. Unearth. Unearth Uncivilized Uncivilized Uncivilized Uncivilised person 'Umble place 'Umble place Unidirectional conductors Unusual items �- like jar from Jaafra, possibly? Union Theological, for instance. Unlike naturists Unlike naturists Under wraps? Unwelcome one Unwelcome one. Unwelcome visitor Unwelcome one Unwelcome one Unacceptable type of black sheep in Rome perhaps Undesirable and mostly arrogant, opens up Unique person Uncommon thing Unusual thing Uncommon sort Unique entity Uncommon thing Unusual thing Unusual person Unusual person or thing. Unusual person or thing: Lat. Unusual thing. Unusual one. Unusual person Uncommon sort Uncommon person/thing Unique, or seldom encountered, person, to the old Romans Unemotionally Upstate N.Y. lake Upstate New York tribe Upstate New York tribe Unknown Hindu god. Ultimately reach US outlaw, 1859-81, also known as William H. Bonney Unremarkable sort Unassertive one US female vocalist with hit 'This Ole House' in 1954 USSR president succeeded by Gorbachev Uninterrupted series Union symbol Union band Ukraine neighbor University in east central Sweden US country singer/songwriter 1923-53 University spoken highly of given a boost Uta Hagen on the stage. Unearth Uncover Unit of radioactivity equal to one disintegration per second 1991 US Open semifinalist at 39 Uncivilized Australian native. UK male vocalist with hit 'Happy Talk' in 1982 UK vocal and instrumental group with hit 'Whole Lotta Love' in 1997 Uproars Undecided. Utter failure Unfortunately the ratings very upsetting Unpleasant repetition Unpopular person after Pearl Harbor. Unique Utopian getaway Undercover operations Undercover operations Unoriginal portrait painter turns up carrying six shillings Unable to move having friends in high places Unreflecting Unsympathetic rejection (with "short") Unsympathetic rejection (with "short") Under-Secretary of State. U. N. exhorter. Unsettle, as one's mind. Understudy's dream Unites Unites. Unites Unites Unites US Civil War general's captivated by exciting piece of papal regalia Up the creek Up the creek Up a creek Up a creek Unfermented grape juice Unfermented grape juice Unfermented grape juice Unfermented grape-juice Unusual sight: a panorama that's a series of dreamlike images Unlikely protagonist Unlikely protagonist Unlikely protagonist Unconventional protagonist Unconventional protagonist Unwelcome sign? Unwelcome greeting? Unwelcome sign Unearths an extraordinary stage work User of the dowsing rod. US state, capital Raleigh US state Upswept hairstyle Urban center on the Shannon. Urban district on the Shannon US actor who appeared in 'Knight Rider' and 'Baywatch' U.S.N.A. student U.S. architects' org. Unfinished opera by Borodin Upset a model during PR for film award Unit of Zulu warriors Unfermented grape juice Unfermented grape juice. Unpleasant consequence, figuratively Unit of magnetic flux Underground hip-hop release Underground rapper's demo Unscrupulous clerk 'Umble Dickens character Ultimate act of betrayal US national bird US musical and comedy star associated with the song There’s No Business Like Show Business Uto-Aztecan language Uto-Aztecan language Untimely Untimely end of Doctor, trapped by River Song after fashionable operation Unpleasant noise from Titus outside pub Uri perhaps seen with a footballer Unexpected to receive Oscar for a Western USMC E-4s Use pressure Use Use Unexpected events Uncle and father-in-law of Jacob. Unguent. Unguent Uncouth chaps Urban garments "Underboss" author Peter "Underboss" author Peter ____ upper part of house, fixing trap inside Unwilling to change cloak before spring University must keep silver -- it's a sort of duty Union's base turned smaller during brief skirmish Utterly Units of money in Bulgaria Units of money in Bulgaria Upbraids Upbraids Uncivilized. Unique orchestra. Unfeeling Unpitying Uncaring Upside down Ultimate defeat of the gods in German mythology Unrestricted ability U.S. portrait painter Until 1983 the capital of Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) Unofficial Aussie anthem Unofficial Australian "anthem" US social ideal U.S. immigrant's pursuit U.S. immigrant's pursuit User of certain figures of speech. Utensil of note U.N. member since 1992 Uniformity Uniformity Uniformity Ulcer treater Uproar Uproar Uproar. Uproar Uproar Uproar in northern town over a fictional bear