Crossword Solver / letters / u / 84750

Crossword Clues Start With U, page 340

Unnamed persons picking up deformed hoops for a spiritual movement Ultimate objective of some pitiful lad negligently brought up Unrestrained force once veil shattered US stars danced for composer Unseat King Herod violently around end of revolt by leaders of Naphtali eremites US Open dust settled? Fantastic! University matches after work; left to chances University student's leave rejected last month Unknown person made a phone call, disturbing rest rudely Unfinished tomb in stone compound US novelist Bill's taken ill, is back Unwritten rules in Judaism, old and realistic about everything (4, 3) Unsettled ringmaster goes around calling those not doing their job from home, perhaps? Upset relatives sobbing, clutching head Uninterrupted viral infection advanced with leader nowhere to be seen Ungainly eglantine rooted out Unchangeable like an epitaph might be? United, bound by commitment for first time Use Aloe Vera to get rid of very dark spots Unwanted growth in cold, tossed macaroni Unlawfully taking time to instigate group Uncut nude scene or blue movie, eventually released Understand Roman emperor's limits in Hell Unstated reversal in plan to go to live in the country  Unruly behaviour in bank with outcry over money lost in cock-up Update it — use your skill ...unlike a birdman Unusual file extension? Save at last Used up hours in preparing feed University's just starting off... pocketing profit is awkward Unacceptable behaviour displayed by Italian danseuse — cute and naughty — on vacation around Cuba Understood right away and spoke breathlessly Unmanned horse! Utah's governed by regional law Urge fee alteration for political exile Unrestrained, extremely eager, singular creatures  UK national nearly hides reported dishonesties Up-to-date cardiologist's concern — incorporating latest in treatment (5, 2, 3, 3) Upset with partner concealing brief fling after union Unprincipled man cracking a test University's head attendant — not vigilant Urge only son to tackle humiliation resulting from failure (3, 2, 4, 4) Unfaithful cheat thrown out fast Upset, William Tell gives up minced meat displaying resentment  Upfront payment  for dental treatment Urge company to sack team leader and hire Charlie Ultimate aim is swilling ale to get close in party Unfriendly and loopy terms of service accepted by cook Understand article in revolutionary newspaper Uniform happening to be short Under canvas showing purpose? Up in Somerset, we ran new resort town USA-run lotteries, awfully chancy business Unpleasant odour I start to detect in damp Understood about blocking wily subterfuge to send down student Useful thing, when fixed Unanimity shown by clubs regarding count, we're told Use this when driving off at first? Upset client, artist, a musician Unfashionable drink, we hear, non-member required US inventor is entertained by English university teacher Upset head of state trapped by upper-class weed Unknown book penned by sailor? Correct Unpredictable type, any one of the last three characters? Unravel oddly absorbing account, ending in your everyday language Under control? No, ratings out of control US artist capturing original outpost, depicted as part of a political campaign? Upright piano in club with interior redesigned Unusual enticement, not a savoury dish United team playing in festive event for country Uncertainty during smart screening Uncertain moment with judge absent United in funny old game Urge to take plunge seizing Romeo Unassuming style on street Unfolded letter, learning about a tense relationship Unknown vessel with hundred captured by alien being wiped out Unreal disaster involved in tale of adventure Using garlic in a stew, left out sweet powder Unhappy with material, so she played an Elvis classic Understanding finally about live bird Unusually busy early in town Understand grain fermentation to some extent Unruffled, tucked into more with second snack Unwarranted disorder of August riot Urgent to include grand mournful song US city in plan linked to a new fraud Upset in middle of plea, breaking free Use writing machine in class Undemanding music, say, is in gentle broadcast Upset about loud firearm Unusual care artist put into elegant, small features Understand article in newspaper after reflection Use line in poem strangely unknown Upset one saint in costume Upright icon hasn't changed Urge resistance in disreputable bar Understanding English with my entertaining course Unopened flower sadly obscured, not constant Unreal yarn I concocted, taking wise men in Union rebel sighs, ordered to show sociability Unfinished matter raised in controlled language Unaware, I admit, about drama United in hunting mostly small marine creatures Understood appeal to support rascal left in charge Under half of energy used to fill tub Used to be necessary to know a subject Understandable background for scientific study Upset about inspector and copper being mocked Unconvincing in praise? Not guilty Uninhibited type showing some extra verve Understanding flaw, not hard in hypnotic state Update from vicar and a politician Unclear about answer with knowledge left wrongly Unjustified when beginning to exult in praise Unpleasant, chased by police Unhappily abstain, lust being considerable Unite in reversing your strike Understanding map they revised Unknown book possessed by sailor? Correct Unworthy sailor first to board? Nervous about that Uncertain about editor being eager Unyielding soldier breaking free Unerring in following criminal Uncommon touch possessed by friend, one identifying perfume ingredient Unsightly building in Spain certainly rushed, short of time '___ Used to Be Mine' ('Waitress' song) Union's bargaining topic Uneasy CID man puts clothes shyly on one side -- no undercover agents here! Up to no good adjusting rear, after something that will irritate car man U.S. government product made at twice the cost of what it's worth Untimely? Urbane Unyielding Utopia / Occasionally, poetically Urge Unspoken Unexpected winter break Undefeated boxer Laila Uniform accessory Use a key Underground resource Unspecified amount User, not first with bad habit in use Unprepared, not operating with screen United in support for innovator Unacceptable hesitation in proposal Unwanted effect in photo from overnight flight Unlucky one, round in valley, in retreat Upset about soldier with angry speech lacking knowledge Unravelling lies, ends inactivity Unwanted messages in charts going around Upright fellow with second innings in game United, apart from learner, seasoned Unorthodox man with muscular movement breaking concrete UN institution cruel cynic is out to change Unruly peers deny civic status of deputy leader United in line after time in company Unfair skill is possessed by Greek god Unadventurous treatment of hot meat, say Unpleasant smell, not first to indicate fish United in due course to protect large south-western lake Upset about supporting bad proposal Understanding close to being achieved Unconvincing new chart pitifully bad Useless sign we spot with odd bits missing Unfamiliar clubs in south-east coming to prominence Understand tricks? Correct Unite in the morning before gala arranged by friend Unwind remaining part Unlucky guys taken in by silly old lie United in hope, excited by revolutionary song giving joy Underrated beginner in ultimate card game babbled, holding diamonds back Usual rule newly broken by good, popular science fiction writer Unjustly, first off, going after saint forcefully Unknown quantity produced upset in horse race Upset about loud record player on course Unsuitable term in sermon I'm changing Uncertainty about field set by captain initially for entertaining pair Unaccompanied in general on errands Uncomplaining, long accepting obligation Universal fury about doctor causing offence Unreliable medium chaps follow? Not I Unconcerned about heartless arbiter Unless God did what Jesus did Unpleasantly cold, a roly-poly pudding Unusually large kind of car 'Unopposed vacuous tycoon' describes president squandering billions US blogger, lib, is feeble wimp Under canvas, by the sound of things, getting passionate Um... I'd like to have a look at that Unfairly bowled, a weak spin on the ball Use force? There are only 20 of them! Unlovely cravat, in part-synthetic fibre Unhealthy-looking pie Unprofessional hairdresser half-smiles, makes uncertain movements 'Uh' sound elicited by kitsch wardrobe United in love, besotted, finding need for reproduction Unreliable timetable's omitting time: that's ... worthy of note Unappealing, lousy (on the outside)? Unseemly exchange by railway is quite a sight Ultimately, visiting Arizona, Illinois, Long Island and Ontario is big deal Unconventional bunch of cheques for the auditor? Unaccompanied, in palace, lap dancing United overwhelmed by many hooligans Unprincipled city's backing withdrawn from mayoral motion Under a dark sun, crazily strong cannabis gets you stoned Uninjured, rare bird almost crashed into something met at high speed Unexpectedly, see vibrating neutrino losing energy Upside-down bats with cause to be unconscious Use your wits: plunge into water and plunge into water Unionist soldiers surrounding female family members Unpleasant odour of ancient pottery Unpleasant haircut that might be seen at tea time Unlikely apricot-lover? University rejected movement of 'phony music' like Beethoven's 5th ‘Unit of energy'? … ‘inert gas'? … technical gibberish Upwardly mobile head of Uber takes taxi in South Africa? You can count on it U-boat questionably brave to reverse direction Unprincipled, odd, tiny and drawn out Undressed yobs, spectacle that's indecent Unsettled, startled, devoured abruptly Untouched whiskey-tainted bottles Untrue accounts from France: irritating affliction UK duo's cryptic puzzle Unearth sea-weed turning up around bottom of lake  Unusual brief on account deletion Unemployed barmaid learned to some extent USA is right about this de-facto dictatorial state Uncle and Pa made a great profit University official: 'Everyman's wearing, lower in reputation' Uncle almost had an hour out in the nude Umpire's decision possibly linked to the collapse of one of the engine's operational phases Upset certain, considering the run out when pinching a single to get off the mark University shoes Unacceptable royal proposal Under rain splattered around fountain initially Ungodliest, harrowing: together they circle the world Ultimately detailed book of maps Upset by husband involved in public brawl Under silent cover, show you don't care Upset it's poorly garnished on the outside Up-and-coming Prince played morsing with essential skill Unproductive blood vessel, it is said Users, ripped-off after gym shutting down, at a loss Unionist involved in illicit liaison with associate in American state Upset about allowing new head of ensemble to exploit ballerina Unstable minerals containing oxygen return to standard state Upset that dodgy actress secures vehicles Unavoidable tax cuts by end of day