Crossword Clues Start With Y, page 30

Young hula dancers Young Hawaiian women Yeah Yeah ___ You might take it to go You might take it to go You'd be a fool to wear this "You don't belong here!" Yankee follower? "Yankee ___!" "You can't play at my house!" Yankee follower? "You Can't ___ Again": Wolfe Yankee followers? Yankee ____! 'You Can't Again' Yard ride Yugoslav prince who often escorted Princess Margaret You who've got mail Yarn fabric You needn't press it You needn't press it Yarn fabric " . . . ___ you shall betray me": Matt. Yankee upset over writer having the ability to see without glasses Yankee Doodle heartlessly played with absence of instruments "12 Years a Slave" Oscar winner Lupita __ "12 Years a Slave" Oscar winner Lupita __ '12 Years a Slave' Oscar winner Lupita __ "___, You're Rockin' the Boat," 23 Down song Yes, Kane injured in team Yankee Stadium item. "You ___ kidding!" "You ___ kidding!" "You ___ kidding!" "You ___ kidding!" "You ___ kidding!" "You ___ kidding!" 'You ___ lying!' Yuletide candy shapes You get this before a bonus Yuletide handouts Yuletide sweets Yuletide candy shapes Yuletide candy shapes "You know the rest" You might have a handle on it Yellow or orange blooms 'You're good' Yak Yakety-yak Youngstowners, e.g. Yields respectfully Yields the floor Yields Yields You or I. Yelled insults 'You've Got Mail' director 'Yes, that's clear to me' You'll be surprised when this is raised! "Yet do thy cheeks look ___ Titan's face": Shak. "You have to see it!" ''You have to see it!'' Yanqui's friends. 'You got a problem with that?' "YM" or "GQ" Yearly winner between 18 and 28 Young intruder (see 10 Down) Yule air start You might beg to do this Year in the reign of Nero Year in Nero's reign. Year in St. Paul's time. Year the Roman writer Persius died Year the empress Octavia was murdered Year in Nero's reign Year in Nero's reign Year in Nero's reign Yearly charge Your dad's brothers "You pick" Yellow Yellow arch spanning part of hospital on left Young ladies Young women Young ladies Y&T "Summertime ___" Young ladies Young women soldiers going around right, left ? Young women Young women Young females Young ladies You can count on a lot of bucks from one You may get a kick out of it You can count on a lot of bucks from one "You can tell me" "You can tell me" ''You can tell me'' "You can tell me" 'You can tell me' ''You got this'' Yttrium oxide, for one Yamaha product Yamaha product Yamaha product Yamaha product [Yawn] Yawner's self-diagnosis Yawner's remark Yawner's remark [Yawn] [Yawn] Yank out of bed Yank out of bed Yank out of bed Yank out of bed Yank from Morpheus' arms Yank out of bed Yank out of bed Yank out of bed Yank out of bed "__ your life!" "___ your life!" Young otter's home "__ your life!" "__ your life!" "___ your life!" "___ your life!" "__ your life!" "__ your life!" ("Forget it!") ___ your life (by no means). ___ your life! ___ your life. "___your life!" "___ your life!" '-- your life!' "___ your life!" "_____ your life!" "___ your life!" "_____ your life!" "____ your life!" "___ your life!" '___ your life!' '__ your life!' "__ your life!" "___ your life!" “You Can’t Go Home Again” author Your clique *Yellow marker carried by a 'zebra' Yuri who was the first to orbit Earth Yuri who was the first to orbit Earth Yuri —, first in space Yuri —, space pioneer Yuri --, cosmonaut Yuri --, 1934-68, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri --, in 1961 he made the first manned space flight You may do an ollie with it Yankee pilot. Yankee manager. Yankee who was a Dodger and a Giant. Yogi and Smokey. Yogi and Smokey Yogi and Smokey, e.g. Yogi and Smokey Yankee prose. Yogi and Boo-Boo, for two Yankee manager who wore #37 Yankees great dubbed "The Old Perfessor" Yankees great dubbed 'The Old Perfessor' Yellowstone Park dwellers. Yellowstone Park denizens Yellowstone denizens Yasmina ___, two-time Tony-winning playwright Yasmina --, French playwright Yoplait competitor Yoplait competitor Yoplait competitor Yoplait competitor Yoplait alternative Yoplait competitor Yogurt brand Yoplait competitor Yoplait competitor Yogurt brand "You must be this tall to ride the roller coaster," e.g.? Yale, nostalgically "___ you better be going?" Young girl's sandal Yodeler's turf Yodeler's milieu Yodeler's mecca “You’re telling ME,” in texts Yellowish-red food coloring Yellowish-red dye. Yellowish red dye Yellow-red dyestuff Yankee pitcher Hideki 1999 Yankee 1999 Yankee pitcher Yankee pitcher of 1999 Young raptors Young raptors Young birds of prey Young birds. Young birds Young members of a convocation Young birds of prey Young man, in Dublin 810 years ago. 815 years ago. Year in reign of Louis VII Year in the reign of Louis VII Year in Louis VII's reign "You heard me right!" "You cheated!" "You peeked!" "You cheated!" "You cheated!" "You cheated!" "You're cheating!" 'You cheated!' "You peeked!" 'You peeked!' 'You cheated!' "You cheated!" Yeses, gruffly You may look for this name in the woods Yellow candy Young'uns. Young lads Young lads Yellow viscous substance extracted from wool Yuri --, Dutch jazz saxophonist You'd have to love them - they gave one a ring offering this from Chieftains “Your bran is strictly brand X,” maybe? You can bet on it Young helpers at a tennis match Yes-man always so pleasant? Yes-men always so pleasant? Yes-man always so pleasant Yarmulke or zucchetto Yarmulke Yarmulke Yarmulke Yves wilting in heat demands stout Young attendant at a 2 Down, often Young attendant at a 2 Down, often 50-year-old dolls 50-year-old dolls