Word "AGONE" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
gone by; or in the past
`agone' is an archaic word for `ago'

Crossword Clues for AGONE

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Clue Source Date
A good individual no longer here? No longer here
Greek conflict with East in historical past
Since old, advanced in senility
In the past, to poets of the past Universal 07 Jan 2015
In the past, to poets of the past
"Pictures of ___ World" Pat Benatar
In the past, to the Bard
Ancient rockers' "ago"?
"Five thousand years __ . . .": Bunyan
In the past, old style
Past in the past
___ goose (kin of a dead duck)
Past, to poets
"I'm ___ goose"
___ goose
Past, in the past
In the past, in the past.
Past, of old.
Of yore.
Past, old style.
Past: Archaic.
Past, in the past.
All over: Archaic.
In days past.
Ago: Archaic.
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