Crossword Solver / Answers / AMBUSCADE

Word "AMBUSCADE" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
wait in hiding to attack
ambush, bushwhack, lie in wait, lurk, scupper, waylay

Part of Speech:
the act of concealing yourself and lying in wait to attack by surprise
ambush, lying in wait, trap

Crossword Clues for AMBUSCADE

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Clue Source Date
American rebel keeping rickety plane makes sudden attack
Suddenly surprise American baddie opening a medal from the palace The Times Cryptic 18 Oct 2023
Attack came with bad reforms around America
Breaking: Cuba's made surprise attack The Telegraph Toughie 15 Nov 2018
Waylay coach, boarding in the morning, tailed by young officer briefly The Telegraph Toughie 03 Jul 2018
American rebel capturing transport in sudden attack The Telegraph Toughie 18 Jan 2018
A bishop tucked into wine, nearly getting sudden attack
Cuba made small changes to attack
Tactical concealment
Concealed military force.
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