Crossword Solver / Answers / ANGLEWORM

Word "ANGLEWORM" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
terrestrial worm that burrows into and helps aerate soil; often surfaces when the ground is cool or wet; used as bait by anglers
crawler, dew worm, earthworm, fishing worm, fishworm, nightcrawler, nightwalker, red worm, wiggler

Crossword Clues for ANGLEWORM

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Clue Source Date
Low German novel is something to entice a swimmer The Guardian Cryptic 24 Aug 2022
It could turn out to be wrong meal — for tempted fish!
Odd bits of gold we found reflected in a standard piece of bait
Translating Low German is an enticement to those in school
Bait used for grown male
Nightcrawler, to some Northerners
Fish bait
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