Crossword Clues for APAIL

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Clue Source Date
"... to fetch — of water" Premier Sunday 10 Sep 2023
"... to fetch — of water" Thomas Joseph 14 May 2022
'... to fetch ___ of water' Jonesin 10 Mar 2020
"... __ of water"
". . . to fetch __ of water"
"To fetch __ of water"
"To fetch __ . . ."
"... to fetch ___ of water"
"... ___ of water"
"... to fetch __ of water"
"... to fetch __ of water"
"To fetch ___ of water ..."
"To fetch ____ of water"
" fetch ___ of water."
"... to fetch __ ..."
"... to fetch ___ of water"
"... ___ of water"
. . . to fetch ____ water
"To fetch ___ of water"
" fetch ___ of water"
"To fetch ___..."
" . . . to fetch ___ of water"
"To fetch ___ of water"
"To fetch ___ . . . "
" . . . fetch ___ of water"
"To fetch ___ of . . . "
"To fetch ___ of water."
Jack and Jill's burden.
"... to fetch ___ of water"
Refine the search results by specifying the filter for clues.

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