Crossword Clues for ARRA

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Clue Source Date
Irish cry
Irish exclamation
Irish cry
Irish exclamation
Exclamation in Eire
Irish cry
Pledge, in Perugia
Exclamation in Dublin
Cry at Cork
Irish expletive
Old Irish oath
Really, in Cork
Irish expletive.
Hibernian exclamation.
Irish exclamation.
Anglo-Irish expletive.
Gaelic exclamation.
Irish "really!"
Anglo-Irish expression.
Anglo-Irish exclamation.
Anglo-Irish mild expletive.
Irish interjection.
Really!: Anglo-Ir.
Irishman's "Really!"
"'___, Pat,' sez I . . . "
Irish expletive: Var.
Really: Anglo-Irish.
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