Crossword Clues for BAFF

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Bad shot in golf
Golfer's mishit Canadiana 14 Sep 2020
Strike the ground in a golf swing
Create a divot
Golf stroke
Erroneous golf shot
Poor golf shot
Course clinker
Golf goof
Bad golf shot
Golf goof
Bad golf shot
Golfer's goof
Golf stroke
A golf stroke
Golfer's stroke
Hit the ground before the golf ball
Loft the golf ball
High golf shot
Duffer's golf stroke
Poor golf stroke
Golf stroke.
Type of golf stroke.
Lofting stroke, in golf.
Stroke lofting a golf ball.
Golf term.
Golf stroke, lofting the ball.
Golf stroke that lofts the ball.
Golf stroke that hits the ground.
Undercut a golf ball.
Hit the ground, in a golf stroke.
Golf stroke that hits the ground first.
Strike ground with golf club, in making a shot.
In golf, to strike ground in making a stroke.
Golf shot that hits more ground than ball
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