Crossword Solver / Answers / BATTLEDORE

Word "BATTLEDORE" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
a light long-handled racket used by badminton players
badminton racket, badminton racquet

Part of Speech:
an ancient racket game
battledore and shuttlecock

Crossword Clues for BATTLEDORE

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Clue Source Date
The struggle to serve again is a racket (10)
Fought over Scandinavian money racket The Telegraph Toughie 02 Nov 2021
British tolerated corrupt game
Struggled again losing money – it's a racket!
Fought against mineral racket once The Telegraph Cryptic 05 Jan 2019
Fought men over drug racket
Old sport, through which one might join the action, did you say?
Struggled again losing thousand in racket
Fight with soldiers, engaging party game of yesteryear The Telegraph Toughie 31 Jan 2017
Struggle to work on the game
Fought over Scandinavian money racket
Struggled with foreign currency racket
Paddle used in a game.
Racket used in an old game.
Instrument like a small tennis racquet.
Toss back and forth.
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