Crossword Clues for BOLDEST

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Clue Source Date
The aged are amongst the elite and the most self-reliant (7)
Head boy, eldest and most self-assured (7)
Most brave, better than all others, inwardly worn out?
“In difficult and desperate cases, the ____ counsels are the safest” (Livy) The Times Specialist Sunday 17 Nov 2019
Grey in red, most striking
Most intrepid Wall Street Journal 27 Mar 2018
Most heroic veteran crushed by defeat
Most daring LA Times Daily 18 Jun 2015
Most daring
Most brazen
Most audacious
Most audacious
Most brazen
Tops in audacity
Most fearless
Most daring
Most courageous
Most venturesome
Most fearless
Most daring
Least timorous
Most conspicuous
Most nervy.
Least afraid.
Most daring.
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