Crossword Clues for BOOLA

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Clue Source Date
Repeated word in a Yale fight song
When repeated, a Yale football song Wall Street Journal 19 Jul 2023
Half a Yale cheer The Washington Post 02 Mar 2022
Half a Yale cheer LA Times Daily 02 Mar 2022
Word in a Yale fight song Wall Street Journal 27 Feb 2021
When doubled, a Yale football song New York Times 01 Dec 2019
When doubled, a Yale football song
Half an Ivy cheer The Washington Post 06 Apr 2018
Half an Ivy cheer LA Times Daily 06 Apr 2018
Half an Ivy cheer
Half a Yale cheer LA Times Daily 22 May 2016
When doubled, an old college cry New York Times 14 Feb 2016
When doubled, an old college cry
Half a Yale cheer
When repeated, a Yale fight song New York Times 27 Dec 2015
Word repeated at the Yale Bowl Wall Street Journal 17 Feb 2015
When repeated, a Yale fight song
Word in a Yale yell
Half a Yale cheer
Word in a Yale fight song
Yalie's cheer word
Yalie's cheer word
Half a Yale cheer
New England cheer word
New England cheer word
Part of a college cheer
Half a school fight song
When repeated, Yalie's cheer
When repeated, Yalie's cheer
Part of a Yale fight song
Repeated shout at the Yale Bowl
Word in a Yale yell
When repeated, a Yale Bowl cheer
Word sung in New Haven
Word sung in New Haven
When doubled, a Yale song
Oft-sung word in New Haven
Part of a Yale cheer
Start of a college song
Part of a Yale cheer
When repeated, a college cheer
Word in a Yale song
Yale song word
Word repeated at the Yale Bowl
Word repeated in a Yale cheer
Word sung in New Haven
Eli's word
When repeated, Yale's school song
When repeated, Yale's school song
Yale cheer
When repeated, an Ivy League tune
"Yale ___" (1901 song)
Half a Yalie yell
Eli's word
When doubled, a song of Bush's alma mater
Half a college cheer
Half a cheer
Part of a college cheer
When repeated, a college cheer
Start of a Yale Bowl cheer
Word in a Yale song
Double this for a Yale song
Yalie's song opening
Yale Bowl refrain word
Start of a Yale song
One of an Eli's musical pair
Word in a Yalie's refrain
Yale marching song
Yalie's refrain
Word sung in New Haven
Yale song word
Yale word
College-song word
Word in a college song
Eli word
College song word.
Refrain word of Yale song.
Refrain of a college song.
Refrain word in a college song.
Part of a Yale refrain.
Cry from New Haven.
Half of an Eli refrain.
Cheer for a 4 Down.
Refrain of a Yale song.
Half of the title of a popular college song.
Yale Bowl cheer
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