Word "CHANTER" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
reed pipe with finger holes on which the melody is played
melody pipe

Crossword Clues for CHANTER

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Clue Source Date
A singer can produce some music for a bagpipe (7)
Reed pipe with fingerholes on which the melody is played on a set of bagpipes (7)
The pipe on a set of bagpipes on which the melody is played (7)
Rachel endlessly reviewed books inside Melody Maker
Street protester or Tibetan monk
Street protester or Tibetan monk New York Times 15 Feb 2020
Beggar hugging hot pipe in piping
Bagpipe melody pipe The Times Concise 21 Jan 2019
Move quickly to lag hot pipe
Mantra reciter Universal 24 Sep 2017
Geordie entertainer plugs singer, one who intones
Mantra reciter
Plainsong singer
Cheerleader, often
Monk, at times
Cheerleader, often
One of a singing group.
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