Crossword Solver / Answers / CHARIVARI

Word "CHARIVARI" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
a noisy mock serenade (made by banging pans and kettles) to a newly married couple
belling, callathump, callithump, chivaree, shivaree

Crossword Clues for CHARIVARI

Refine the search results by specifying the filter for clues.
Clue Source Date
French folk serenade of banging pots and pans to a newly married couple (9)
Move chair against Ria troubled by confused noise (9)
The magazine Punch was also called The London ____ The Times Specialist Sunday 14 Aug 2022
Noisy mock serenade The Times Concise 25 Jul 2022
Rich fools about to suppress a competitor mostly in racket
Row involving hair vicar restyled The Times Cryptic 01 Feb 2022
Big noise in sedan with one delayed going over states The Times Cryptic 17 Nov 2021
Tea with one Indian musician coming back for a noisy celebration
Noisy mock serenade The Times Concise 11 Feb 2021
Daily covers match, shortly one faces rough music
Din confused arch rival briefly, I gathered
Toast controversial match official in 11, causing rumpus
Unkempt vicar having tousled hair causes a racket
Vicar with hair restyled for noisy wedding party
Row in church turning one Gershwin against himself
Hubbub exposed in daily, one modified when editor's absent
Serenade opponent briefly in rocking chair
Vicar with hair looking ridiculous in mock serenade
Eccentric vicar receiving hair transplant makes a hell of a noise
Unholy din as Indian stood up, having been sat in slightly rickety chair
Serenade daily, in the heart of Paris after four
Gay vicar embraces female spy Mata, creating uproar
Row in church about infighting among Provos
Big noise in sedan with one delayed going over states
Wedding music of sorts.
Mock serenade for newlyweds.
Mock serenade.
Mock serenade with discordant noises, tin horns, etc.
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