Crossword Solver / Answers / COGNOMEN

Word "COGNOMEN" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
the name used to identify the members of a family (as distinguished from each member's given name)
family name, last name, surname

Part of Speech:
a familiar name for a person (often a shortened version of a person's given name)
byname, moniker, nickname, sobriquet, soubriquet

Crossword Clues for COGNOMEN

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Clue Source Date
Ancient nickname for con men to go scheming (8)
Roman family name, eg Cicero, Naso, Maro
Familiar name for humble member of a large organisation (women only) The Guardian Cryptic 05 May 2022
Last of the three names of an ancient Roman indicating his house or family The Guardian Speedy 26 Dec 2021
Name of unimportant person in organisation with sexist message? The Telegraph Toughie 17 Apr 2019
Monicker about to rise, Menon's off
Also known as wheel, by only ladies
Epithet The Times Concise 10 Jun 2018
Roman family name of Swiss financier involved in scam The Times Cryptic 04 Jan 2016
Nickname of Zurich banker embroiled in scam
Caesar, for one
Nickname, formally
Caesar, for Gaius Julius Caesar
Smith or Jones, e.g.
Something you go by
Family name.
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