Crossword Solver / Answers / CONSTANTINE

Crossword Clues for CONSTANTINE

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The first Christian Roman Emperor, _ the Great (11)
First Christian Roman emperor (11)
Michael ___, "Room 222" actor who plays Gus Portokalos in 2002 rom-com "My Big Fat Greek Wedding"
2005 superhero horror film starring Keanu Reeves as an exorcist who communicates with half-angels and half-demons
Roman emperor The Times Concise 07 Dec 2021
Ancient ruler's stable and popular heading for election
Emperor presumably less trustworthy in the West?
Emperor who called the First Council of Nicaea New York Times 30 Jun 2018
Emperor who called the First Council of Nicaea
Whom Turkey's largest city was once named for Newsday 26 Nov 2017
Stable in eastern walled city
Eponym of the city now known as Istanbul
Imperial convert
Youthful European monarch.
King of Hellenes, abdicated in 1922.
Gen. ___ Rokossovsky.
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