Crossword Solver / Answers / CONSTRICT

Word "CONSTRICT" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
become tight or as if tight
constringe, narrow
Her throat constricted

Part of Speech:
squeeze or press together
compact, compress, contract, press, squeeze

Crossword Clues for CONSTRICT

Refine the search results by specifying the filter for clues.
Clue Source Date
Study rigidly enforced limit (9)
T0 compress, study hard (9)
Check fraud by firm
Harsh after Tory squeeze
Squeeze Tory hard
Against reaching absolute limit
Inhibit firm led by right-wing politician
Against inflexible limit The Telegraph Cryptic 06 Nov 2018
Study rigorous contract
Growth on foot? Run out with severe cramp The Telegraph Cryptic 31 Jul 2018
Prisoners taken for a ride, reportedly squeeze up
Make narrow politician tight? The Times Cryptic 12 Dec 2016
Against exact limit
Politicians reporter's led astray in press
Prisoner given precise limit
Working with firm after start of credit squeeze
Against getting to absolute limit
Conned, we hear, following prisoner's squeeze
Emulate a boa
Squeeze in one spot
Draw together.
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