Crossword Solver / Answers / DASHIELLHAMMETT

Crossword Clues for DASHIELLHAMMETT

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Clue Source Date
U.S. writer possibly led this team round lake with poor actor (8,7)
He wrote The Maltese Falcon which introduced detective, Sam Spade (8,7)
Creator of 1 Across Newsday 12 Jul 2020
Creator of detective Sam Spade The Times Specialist Sunday 24 Nov 2019
Author who created Sam Spade
Writer who created Asta
"The Maltese Falcon" author
"The Thin Man" author
"The Maltese Falcon" novelist
"Hard-boiled" writer
Writer Samuel __
"The Maltese Falcon" writer
Creator of Nick Charles
Sam Spade's creator
The Charles' creator
Name in detective fiction
"The Glass Key"
The Thin Man's creator
"Big Knockover" author
Creator of "The Thin Man."
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