Crossword Solver / Answers / DIAMONDBACK

Word "DIAMONDBACK" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
large deadly rattlesnake with diamond-shaped markings
crotalus adamanteus, diamondback rattlesnake

Crossword Clues for DIAMONDBACK

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Clue Source Date
Arizona athlete, and a hint to what can follow the starred answers' last words Universal 02 May 2020
Large rattlesnake Universal 02 Aug 2015
Large rattlesnake
Phoenix-based ballplayer, and what the start of each answer to a starred clue can be
Kind of terrapin
Largest rattlesnake
Certain rattlesnake
Kind of rattlesnake or terrapin
Turtle variety
Large rattlesnake variety
Arizona baseball player
See title?
... for a herpetologist?
Kind of terrapin
Certain rattlesnake or terrapin
Phoenix ballplayer
Largest variety of rattlesnake
National Leaguer
Turtle variety
Type of terrapin
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