Word "DOSS" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
sleep in a convenient place
crash, doss down

Crossword Clues for DOSS

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Clue Source Date
Easy undertaking, informally (4)
Pass time aimlessly during party on ship (4)
Undemanding activity (4)
Sleep back-to-back as before with no trouble
Find a temporary bed, ...
Sleep is something easy to do! The Times Cryptic 09 Mar 2022
Sleep? Have a go at sleeping soundly at first
Provide small space, initially, to sleep The Telegraph Cryptic 19 Oct 2021
Be extremely idle Irish Times Simplex 15 Jan 2021
To sleep rough in rubbish? Not right! The Telegraph Cryptic 18 Jun 2020
Refuse to forgo right to be lazy
Half-heartedly finishes small piece of cake
Slumber party on boat? The Telegraph Cryptic 23 Aug 2018
Slang word for sleep The Telegraph General Knowledge 28 Jun 2015
Operating system said to flop The Times Cryptic 22 May 2015
Crash diets often seem stressful to begin with
Crude bed, in Britain
Place to sleep, in Britain
Avoid work, in Britain
Makeshift bed
Sleep, in British slang
Place to sleep, in Britain
Crude bed, in Soho
Crude bed, in Britain
Bloke's makeshift bed
Bloke's bed
Place to sleep, in Britain
Sleep is something easy to do!
Crude bed, in Britain
Sleep, in Soho
Soho fleabag
Soho bunk
Kind of house, in London
London flophouse
London flophouse room
Bed: Slang.
Bed or bunk: Brit. slang.
Limehouse bed or bunk.
Sleep: Brit. slang.
Flophouse, London style.
Bed: Brit. slang.
London flophouse.
Limehouse lodging.
___ house, British flophouse.
Bunk in a London flophouse.
Bed or bunk: Brit slang.
Limehouse bunk.
Flophouse bunk.
Bed or bunk, in Limehouse.
Place to sleep: Eng. slang.
Flophouse, in Britain.
___ house.
Sleep: Slang.
First conscientious objector to win Medal of Honor.
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