Word "ENEMA" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
an injection of a liquid through the anus to stimulate evacuation; sometimes used for diagnostic purposes

Crossword Clues for ENEMA

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Clue Source Date
Medical injection (5)
Sort of injection given by fellows in A&E from below (5)
Sweetheart goes northeast to accompany parent getting medical procedure
English and American soldiers rejected evacuation
Medical procedure; Me? Nae! (anag.)
Base sent back American troops one's put in the rear The Guardian Cryptic 14 Feb 2024
Soldiers retreating during each evacuation procedure The Telegraph Cryptic 09 Feb 2024
Soldiers retreating during each evacuation procedure (5)
Fluid injection into the nematode (5)
Reversing a game, next some of them will give you the runs (5)
Injection treatment partly using same needles in recession
People in A&E taking turn, getting behind procedure
Abhorred medical procedure Canadiana 17 Apr 2023
Cleansing procedure featuring in hygiene magazine The Telegraph Toughie 14 Dec 2022
Unknown number removed from opposite side by a clear-out The Times Cryptic 13 Oct 2022
Laxative The Guardian Speedy 26 Jun 2022
Clyster's close to one, voice of approval grows
Purgative, emetic The Guardian Speedy 13 Mar 2022
Measures taken before a purge
Overcame nervousness, returned to bear medical procedure
Evacuation of troops retreating in Eritrea's borders
English with last word about evacuation procedure
Some upstanding militiamen ended purge
A segment of the gene manipulated in an uncomfortable medical procedure
Injection sent back in same needle
. Obscene magazine shows medical procedure
Endlessly enemy gets American injection
Medical procedure possibly reduced lameness on reflection
… mean the end of one nasty medical procedure
Unpleasant remedy Canadiana 06 Apr 2020
Purgative wrapped inside polythene material
Tame! Newcastle after setback having big clear-out
Servants in attendance extremely upset, as behind procedure?
Evacuation from east? So be it: to the west
People in A&E returned to get liquid injected
Crew picked up during each evacuation
Workers in A&E reversed invasive procedure
Fluid piece from René Magritte
Anally-introduced medical treatment The Guardian Speedy 11 Mar 2018
It could make one go in disguise finally, with false name
Medical procedure shown in hygiene manual
Introduction to slow movement? The opposite!
Suppository The Guardian Speedy 01 Oct 2016
Medical procedure shown in hygiene manual
Blokes in hospital department turning up for fundamental procedure?
Spaces start to appear in evacuation procedure
Purge of soldiers in hospital department after uprising
Blink-182 album "___ of the State"
Medical treatment contributing to hygiene, mainly
Medical outing in serene Madrid
Soldiers given backing in each purge
Irene manages to hold injected fluid
Characters in scene making medical treatment
Soldiers go back during each evacuation
Blink-182 "___ of the State"
NOFX "Party ___"
Irrigation for Zimbabwe at last: an answer to prayers sent up
Total washout?
Introduction in the end?
'99 Blink-182 album "___ of the State"
Colic procedure
"___ of the State" (Blink-182 album)
It can help you go
Inside job?
It clears the rear
Process of elimination?
It'll clean you out
Rear entry, of sorts
Colon cleaner
Movement producer
Surgery prep, sometimes
It can help you go
It will help you go
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