Crossword Solver / Answers / ENTERKEY

Crossword Clues for ENTERKEY

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Clue Source Date
It might be tapped twice to start a new paragraph
Carriage return, to today's typist
What's keen yet wavering operator finally pressed? The Telegraph Toughie 23 Sep 2022
ATM feature Wall Street Journal 17 Aug 2022
Pressing it is often the same as clicking the “OK” button Wall Street Journal 13 Jun 2022
Long bar on a computer Newsday 04 Aug 2019
It'll give you a break New York Times 09 Jun 2017
It'll give you a break
At the end of the line, it's likely to get depressed
It may be pressed to input data
Shift neighbor
It's above Shift
IM sender
It's hit with a pinky
Open sesame?
It's hit by a typist's pinky
Carriage-return equivalent
' neighbor
Paragraph separator, perhaps
It's struck by a touch typist's pinky
Computerniks push it
It marks the end of a line, maybe
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