Crossword Solver / Answers / ESCALATION

Word "ESCALATION" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
an increase to counteract a perceived discrepancy
higher wages caused an escalation of prices
there was a gradual escalation of hostilities

Crossword Clues for ESCALATION

Refine the search results by specifying the filter for clues.
Clue Source Date
An increase in intensity or magnitude (10)
Step-up in intensity (10)
A coastline (anag)(10)
Increase in destruction of a coastline The Times Cryptic 12 Dec 2022
Growth polluted a coastline The Telegraph Cryptic 21 Aug 2021
Rapid growth ruined a coastline
Rapid rise battered a coastline
'I'd like to speak to your supervisor,' e.g Jonesin 17 Apr 2018
Increase distortion of case with language about love
Increase a lot in case requiring negotiation
Rapid rise in prices or wages
Cold war to hot war.
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