Word "ETAMINE" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
a soft cotton or worsted fabric with an open mesh; used for curtains or clothing etc.

Crossword Clues for ETAMINE

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Clue Source Date
A soft cotton or worsted fabric (7)
Light cotton fabric New York Times 08 Aug 2015
Light cotton fabric
Worsted cloth
Open-mesh fabric
Cotton fabric
Lightweight cotton
Plain weave fabric
Lightweight cotton
Light cotton fabric
Cotton fabric
Loosely woven cotton
Lightweight cotton fabric
Loosely woven fabric
Loosely woven cotton fabric
Loose-woven fabric
Cotton cloth
Dress material
Worsted fabric
Cloth similar to voile
Fabric with open mesh
Lightweight cotton
Open-meshed fabric
Meshed fabric
Loose fabric
Cloth like voile.
Cotton fabric.
Worsted fabric.
Fabric with an open mesh.
Open-mesh fabric.
Frock fabric.
Cotton cloth.
Flag material.
Cotton goods.
Light bunting.
Relative of tammy cloth.
Flag bunting.
Fine bunting.
Fabric like voile.
Light dress worsted.
Loosely woven fabric.
Light fabric.
Light dress fabric.
Fabric like bunting or voile.
Cloth like Tammy.
Tammy cloth.
Sheer fabric.
Light cotton fabric.
Light fabric for dresses.
Light wool fabric.
Woven fabric.
Bunting-like fabric.
Light cotton dress fabric.
Kind of bunting.
Curtain material.
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