Word "FLYAWAY" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
guided by whim and fancy
flighty, head-in-the-clouds, scatterbrained

Part of Speech:
(of hair or clothing) worn loose
her flyaway hair
a flyaway coat

Crossword Clues for FLYAWAY

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Clue Source Date
Loose and fluttering - free as a bird?
To travel a distance by air makes you giddy (7)
Take wing (2 wds.)
Take wing Universal 31 Jan 2021
Escape in the air USA Today 15 Sep 2020
1999 Lenny Kravitz hit: 2 wds.
Frizzy, in a way The Washington Post 12 Nov 2015
Frizzy, in a way
Loose and flowing
Abandon the nest
1999 Lenny Kravitz hit
Take off
Abandon the nest
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