Crossword Clues for FORMOSA

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Clue Source Date
The former name of Taiwan (7)
For "leading metal oxide semiconductors" - article on Taiwan, perhaps (7)
Draw up map with a plan of Taiwan (7)
Former name of Taiwan
It's now Taiwan Irish Times Simplex 06 Apr 2020
Island previously to get motorway round it
Orders to arrest old associate in historical Asian island
Sailor sitting in first class in Taiwan once
Island ceremony needing very large area
Doctor boarding for South Africa and island republic The Times Cryptic 04 Apr 2017
Doctor boarding for South Africa and island republic
Taiwan alias Newsday 11 Oct 2015
Taiwan, once Eugene Sheffer 27 Jul 2015
Not against money order to South Africa or Taiwan once
Taiwan alias
Taiwan's former name
Alternate name of Taiwan that means "beautiful" in Portuguese
Old country name from the Portuguese for "beautiful"
Taiwan, once
Alternate name of Taiwan
Taiwan, formerly
Where Taipei is
Taiwan, once
Portuguese name for Taiwan
West Pacific island
Island whose name means "beautiful."
Where Taipei is.
Strait between Quemoy and Matsu.
Island under Japanese rule, 1895–1945.
Geographical headliner.
Chinese Nationalist stronghold.
Big news in State of Union speech.
Taipeh is its capital.
Crucial part of the Far Eastern problem.
Taipei is its capital.
Last stand of Chinese Nationalists.
Chiang's stronghold.
Headquarters of Chiang Kai-shek.
Strategic Pacific island.
Island east of Amoy.
Japan's "Gibraltar."
Island surrendered to China by Japan.
Island ceded to Japan by China, 1895.
Jap island off China.
Taiwan, once
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