Word "GANEF" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
(Yiddish) a thief or dishonest person or scoundrel (often used as a general term of abuse)
ganof, gonif, goniff

Crossword Clues for GANEF

Refine the search results by specifying the filter for clues.
Clue Source Date
US cheat returns iron and silver engraved with name
Swindler, so to speak Newsday 04 Mar 2017
Thief, slangily The Washington Post 04 Dec 2016
Rascal, to Isaac Bashevis Singer The Chronicle of Higher Education 30 Jan 2015
Swindler, slangily
Rascal, to Isaac Bashevis Singer
Yiddish thief
Thief, in Yiddish
He might steal from a yenta
Thief, slangily
Rascal, in slang
Thief, in Yiddish
Swindler, in slang
Crook, slangily
Swindler, in slang
Thief, in slang
Thief, in slang
Thief, in slang
Crook, slangily
Swindler, slangily
Crook, slangily
Swindler, in slang
Rascal, in Yiddish
Thieving type
Criminal type
Thief, to Asch
Yiddish thief
Crook: Yiddish
Yiddish crook
Petty crook
He might steal from a yenta
Thief: Slang
Rascal: Slang
Thief, from the Yiddish.
Thief: Yiddish.
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