Crossword Solver / Answers / GRANDFINALE

Crossword Clues for GRANDFINALE

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Clue Source Date
Climactic show ending, and a literal hint to this puzzle's circled letters LA Times Daily 20 Mar 2017
Climactic show ending, and a literal hint to this puzzle's circled letters The Washington Post 20 Mar 2017
Climactic show ending, and a literal hint to this puzzle's circled letters
Spectacular concert ender, or what 17-, 26- and 51-Across numerically contain
Spectacular concert ender, or what 17-, 26- and 51-Across numerically contain
Big finish, and what the first words of the answers to starred clues can be
Big finish, and what the first words of the answers to starred clues can be
Big finish
Stand or mother
Terminal hoopla
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