Word "GRUNGE" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
the state of being covered with unclean things
dirt, filth, grease, grime, soil, stain

Crossword Clues for GRUNGE

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Clue Source Date
Genre of music which originated in Seattle during the 1980s (6)
Type of heavy rock music (6)
Style of rock music (6)
Style of rock music, right, found amid sticky stuff (6)
Filth Wall Street Journal 20 Sep 2023
Musical genre also called the Seattle sound The Times Specialist Sunday 23 Apr 2023
Nirvana's genre Thomas Joseph 20 Dec 2022
Right in dirt, type of rock
What's laid-back career internally can be an offering of Nirvana among others
Unpleasant matter about right for filthy fashion?
Pearl Jam's genre USA Today 04 Jul 2017
Pearl Jam's genre
Mid-80s style of rock music Irish Times Simplex 11 Jun 2016
Grime, dirt; music style The Times Concise 18 Feb 2016
Rock and fashion style originating in Seattle
In empty greenhouse, step in muck
Seattle-born rock genre
Rock music genre
'90s Seattle-born music style
'90s Seattle-born music style
Nirvana or Pearl Jam genre
'90s music or fashion
1990s rock genre
Nirvana's genre
Nirvana's genre
Seattle-born rock genre
Nirvana's genre
Rock variety
1990's rock genre
Pearl Jam's music
Style of rock music from 1990's
Seattle rock
Teen's dressing style
90's music or fashion
Seattle rock
90's fashion look
Hole's style
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