Crossword Solver / Answers / HIGHWAYMAN

Word "HIGHWAYMAN" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
a holdup man who stops a vehicle and steals from it
highjacker, hijacker, road agent

Crossword Clues for HIGHWAYMAN

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Clue Source Date
Robber on horseback (10)
Why Ghana? I'm travelling with robber (10)
Robber of road travellers
Robber’s drunken manner with crew The Times Quick Cryptic 07 Dec 2023
He caused holdups for road travellers (10)
One associated with the command 'Stand and deliver!' The Times Specialist Sunday 07 May 2023
What could be flyover crew's problem on the earlier road The Times Cryptic 01 Dec 2022
Why main hag turns into a robber?
Turpin?  Criminal outlaw ultimately – hang him?  Ay!
He robs travelers
Alfred Noyes subject
Stagecoach holder-upper
DOT worker?
Noyes poem with 'The',
Noyes subject
Noyes subject
Alfred Noyes subject.
Noyes poem (with "The").
Subject of a famous Alfred Noyes poem.
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