Crossword Solver / Answers / HIROHITO

Crossword Clues for HIROHITO

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Clue Source Date
The Allies decided in July, 1946 not to prosecute this emperor of Japan
Japanese emperor The Telegraph Quick 15 Sep 2021
Japanese emperor from 1926 to 1989 New York Times 10 Jul 2020
Popular song about topless writer's hot love for emperor
Castle contracted to host bash after good day for old emperor
Emperor of Japan for more than half of the 20th century The Times Specialist Sunday 13 May 2018
Almost let US state host Tokyo's first emperor
Emperor of Japan, 1901-1989 The Guardian Speedy 11 Dec 2016
Japanese emperor for most of the 20th century Irish Times Simplex 14 Feb 2015
Emperor who surrendered to the Allies
He spent December 25, 1926 succeeding to the Japanese throne
Japanes emperor for 63 years
Emperor during WWII
Longtime Asian ruler
WWII emperor
Asian ruler, 1926-1989
Axis figure
Modern-day emperor
Showa emperor
Japanese emperor
Emperor of Japan.
Emperor since 1926.
Nagako Kuni's spouse.
Royal awaiter of peace treaty.
Emperor who became mister.
Democratized Emperor.
Noted naturalist of Japan.
His hobby is biology.
Object of worship in Japan.
Born 1901, became emperor 1926.
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