Crossword Clues for IMSO

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Clue Source Date
"— Excited" (1982 hit) Premier Sunday 06 Nov 2022
'___ Excited' (Pointer Sisters song) New York Times 17 Jul 2022
'___ there' ('Count me in!') USA Today 02 Sep 2021
'___ Excited' (Pointer Sisters song) Jonesin 23 Jun 2020
The Beatles' "— Tired" Premier Sunday 07 Jun 2020
''__ proud of you!'' Newsday 07 Apr 2020
"___ sorry!": 2 wds.
'__ Tired': Beatles 'White Album' song The Washington Post 29 Mar 2019
"__ Tired": Beatles "White Album" song LA Times Daily 29 Mar 2019
"__ Tired": Beatles "White Album" song
' Excited' (Pointer Sisters hit) Eugene Sheffer 20 Jun 2017
"___ sorry!" : 2 wds.
'-- Excited' Premier Sunday 22 Nov 2015
The Beatles' '___ Tired' Wall Street Journal 06 Feb 2015
Cream "___ Glad"
'-- Excited'
The Beatles' "___ Tired"
Pointer Sisters "___ Excited"
Elvis "___ Lonesome I Could Cry"
The Pointer Sisters' "___ Excited"
"___ Tired" (Beatles song in which they curse Sir Walter Raleigh)
Lennon's "__ Tired"
Beatles song "___ Tired"
'-- sorry!'
"__ sorry!"
Pointer Sisters' "__ Excited"
"__ hungry I could . . ."
"___ sorry!" (words of apology)
"___ Excited" (Pointer Sisters hit)
"___ sorry"
"___ sorry!"
Beatles' "__ Tired"
The Pointer Sisters' "___ Excited"
"__ Excited" (Pointer Sisters tune)
"___ Excited" (Pointer Sisters hit)
Words with "tired" or "sorry"
"__ Excited": Pointer Sisters hit
"___ Tired" (Beatles song)
"___ Excited" (Pointer Sisters hit)
"__ Excited": Pointer Sisters hit
Words with "sorry" or "bored"
"___ hungry I could eat . . ."
Words before sorry or bored
"___ Excited" (Pointer Sisters hit)
Words before sorry or bored
The Beatles' "__ Tired"
"___ happy for you!"
"___ Excited" (Pointer Sisters hit)
Sorry beginning?
"__ Lonesome I Could Cry"
The Pointer Sisters' "___ Excited"
Sorry start?
"___ Excited" (Pointer Sisters song)
"___ sorry!"
"__ Lonesome I Could Cry": B.J. Thomas hit
"___ Excited": Pointer Sisters
"__ Lonesome I Could Cry": B.J. Thomas hit
"___ Proud": 1964 Impressions hit
"___ Proud": 1964 Impressions hit
"___ Excited": Pointer Sisters hit
___ sorry!
"___ Excited" (Pointer Sisters song)
"___ Excited": Pointer Sisters hit
"___ in Love With You"
The Pointer Sisters' "_____ Excited"
"___ sorry!" (words of apology)
"___ hungry I could..."
The Beatles' "___ Tired"
____ Excited
The Pointer Sisters' "___ Excited"
"___ Excited" (1984 hit)
"___ Excited," Pointer Sisters hit
"___ Tired," Beatles song
"___ glad to meet you"
___ sorry
"___ crazy over you . . . "
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