Crossword Clues for ISIN

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Clue Source Date
The check ___ the mail: 2 wds.
"The doctor —" Eugene Sheffer 03 Nov 2023
Has anted Newsday 10 Sep 2023
"The devil — the details" Premier Sunday 09 Jul 2023
"The check — the mail" Premier Sunday 13 Nov 2022
Has joined Newsday 08 Oct 2022
'Beauty __ the eye . . .' Newsday 28 Jun 2022
"Love ___ the air": 2 wds.
''The devil __ the details'' Newsday 15 Feb 2022
"The devil ___ the details": 2 wds.
"Love ___ the air": 2 wds.
"Beauty ___ the eye of the beholder": 2 wds.
"The proof ___ the pudding": 2 wds.
"The devil ___ the details": 2 wds.
Hasn’t left the office Wall Street Journal 14 Jan 2021
"Beauty ___ the eye of the beholder": 2 wds.
"Love ___ the Air": 2 wds.
"The ball ____ your court": 2 wds.
''The result __!'' Newsday 18 Dec 2019
"The ball ____ your court": 2 wds.
"The doctor __" LA Times Daily 23 Sep 2019
'The doctor __' The Washington Post 23 Sep 2019
Hasn't left the office, say Wall Street Journal 25 Jul 2019
'Beauty __ the eye ... ' The Washington Post 18 Jun 2019
"Beauty __ the eye ... " LA Times Daily 18 Jun 2019
'The ball ___ your court' Wall Street Journal 11 Jun 2019
Awaits business Newsday 20 Apr 2019
'The doctor —' Eugene Sheffer 17 Apr 2019
"Love ___ the air": 2 wds.
"Love ____ the Air": 2 wds.
"Love ___ the Air": 2 wds.
"The proof ___ the pudding": 2 wds.
Hasn't left the office, say
"Beauty __ the eye ... "
"The doctor __"
"The ball ___ your court"
"The doctor ___" (seeing the patient): 2 wds.
"The doctor ___ the room and available for consultation.": 2 wds.
"The ball ___ your court": 2 wds.
"The proof ___ the pudding.": 2 wds. (success depends on the result)
''Beauty __ the eye . . .'' Newsday 04 Sep 2018
Says yes to the gang, say New York Times 16 Aug 2018
"The ball ___ your court.": 2 wds.
'... as it ___ heaven' New York Times 27 Jun 2018
''Beauty __ the eye . . . '' Newsday 03 Apr 2018
Says yes to the gang, say
"... as it ___ heaven"
"Love ___ the air": 2 wds.
"The doctor ___!": 2 wds.
"The doctor ___": 2 wds.
"The doctor ___ "(Has arrived): 2 wds.
"The doctor ___": 2 wds
Has office hours The Washington Post 08 May 2017
Has office hours LA Times Daily 08 May 2017
See blurb New York Times 15 Mar 2017
'Love ___ the Air' Wall Street Journal 08 Mar 2017
Has office hours
See blurb
'The doctor ___' New York Times 27 Nov 2016
'The fix ___!' Wall Street Journal 10 Nov 2016
'The end -- sight' Premier Sunday 31 Jul 2016
'The ball -- your court' Premier Sunday 29 May 2016
Hasn't left The Washington Post 18 May 2016
"The doctor ___" USA Today 20 Mar 2016
"The doctor ___"
'The doctor ___' The Washington Post 01 Dec 2015
''The fix __!'' Newsday 01 Oct 2015
"The proof ___ the pudding" USA Today 13 Jul 2015
Words after "The doctor" USA Today 24 Jun 2015
Words after "The doctor"
"The proof ___ the pudding"
"The doctor ___"
"The fix __!"
"The devil ___ the details"
Hasn't left the office
"Beauty __ the eye . . ."
"The check ___ the mail"
"God ___ the details"
The proof ___ the pudding
"Beauty __ the eye ..."
"The doctor ___"
"Beauty __ the eye ..."
"Love ___ the air"
"The doctor __"
"The fix ___"
"The doctor ___"
"The fix ___!"
'The fix --'
"Spring __ the air"
"The devil ___ the details"
May be seen now
Has signed up
"Groove ___ the Heart"
'The devil -- the details'
'Beauty -- the eye ...'
"The doctor ___"
"Beauty ___ the eye ..."
"The check ___ the mail"
"The check ___ the mail"
'Spring -- the air'
"Beauty ___ the eye ..."
May be seen now
Has cachet now
'The doctor ____"
'The check the mail' --
Words after "The doctor"
"Beauty ___ the eye ..."
Hasn't left
"Groove ___ the Heart" (1990 Deee-Lite hit)
Has anted
Hasn't left
"The check ___ the mail"
"The proof of the pudding ___ . . ."
Words before town or crisis
"... pudding ___ the eating": Cervantes
"The doctor ___"
"The doctor __"
Words before town or crisis
"The doctor ___"
Words with the doctor
'The ball -- your court'
'Love -- the air'
"The fix __"
Words after "the doctor"
"The fix __"
"The doctor __"
"The proof ___ the pudding"
"Beauty ___ the eye …"
"Beauty __ the eye..."
"The check ____the mail"
"The proof ___ the pudding"
"The doctor ___"
'The doctor --'
The doctor ___
"Love __ the Air": 1978 hit song
"Love __ the Air": 1978 hit song
"God ___ the details"
The doctor ___.
"The doctor __"
"The doctor _____"
"The doctor ___"
The doctor ___
"Beauty ___ the eye . . . "
The proof _____ the pudding
"The check _____ the mail"
"The proof of the pudding __ . . ."
The doctor ____
"The fat ___ the fire"
"The doctor --"
___on: abets
"The doctor__"
The fat ____ the fire
Awaits company
"The doctor___"
"The doctor _____"
"Beauty ____ the eye..."
"The proof of the pudding _____..."
"The proof ... ___ the eating"
Ancient Sumerian city
"The fat ___ the fire": Heywood
"Beauty ___ the eye . . . "
"The fat ___ the fire"
" . . . age ___, the wit is out'": Shak.
"The doctor __"
"When the age ___, the wit is out": Shak.
"Love ___ the Air," 1978 tune
" . . . pudding ___ the eating"
"The proof . . . ___ the eating"
"The proof of the pudding ___ . . . "
" . . . ___ the eating thereof"
Stays home
The fat ___ the fire
"The fat ___ the fire."
"Groove ___ the Heart"
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