Word "JAILED" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
being in captivity
captive, confined, imprisoned

Crossword Clues for JAILED

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Clue Source Date
Expresses agreement in Vienna with the Italian editor - they should be locked up
Jack was sick in prison
Like Nelson Mandela for 27 years New York Times 18 Apr 2019
Like Nelson Mandela for 27 years
Given a sentence to complete LA Times Daily 19 May 2018
Given a sentence to complete The Washington Post 19 May 2018
Given a sentence to complete
With German agreement, Alchemi was first to be canned
In the middle of a sentence
Put away
Sent up the river
Put on ice, so to speak
Put on ice, so to speak
In the pen
Locked up
Put in the pen
Behind bars
Behind bars
In detention
Locked up
Sent to Sing Sing
In the calaboose
In the slammer
Held in custody.
In the pokey
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