Crossword Solver / Answers / JRRTOLKIEN

Crossword Clues for JRRTOLKIEN

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Clue Source Date
John Ronald Reuel are the first names of which writer? (1,1,1,7)
Author of "The Lord of the Rings" which was later adapted into a movie: 4 wds.
Best-selling author who invented multiple languages New York Times 31 Jul 2018
Middle-earth creator USA Today 17 Apr 2018
Best-selling author who invented multiple languages
Middle-earth creator
He first wrote of Middle-earth in 1917 Newsday 08 Jan 2017
Fantasy writer who coined the word "tween"
"The Hobbit" author
Creator of Bilbo Baggins
Creator of Bilbo Baggins
Composer of a famous ring cycle
"The Lord of the Rings" author
Bilbo Baggins' creator
Trilogy writer
The Hobbit author
"The Hobbit" author
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