Crossword Clues for KANS

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Clue Source Date
Where L. Frank Baum set his best-known novel Newsday 01 Nov 2020
Cracked open New York Times 18 Jun 2020
Jayhawks' home: Abbr New York Times 29 Mar 2017
Jayhawks' home: Abbr.
Neighbor of Colo The Washington Post 26 May 2016
Colo. neighbor
Colo. neighbor
Nebr. neighbor
Where Manhattan is: Abbr.
Where Manhattan is: Abbr.
24-Across's state: Abbr.
Home of McConnell A.F.B.
24-Across's state: Abbr.
Topeka's st.
Okla. neighbor
Where Manhattan is: Abbr.
Topeka's state: Abbr.
Denver's loc., when founded
Ft. Riley locale
Where Ft. Riley is
Just north of Okla.
Colo. neighbor
Manhattan's state: Abbr.
Nebr. neighbor
34th st.
Neighbor of Nebr.
Okla. neighbor
Okla. neighbor
Neb. neighbor
Jayhawker's home: Abbr.
Neb. neighbor
Okla. neighbor
Manhattan's locale: Abbr.
Topeka's st.
Topeka's locale: Abbr.
Okla. neighbor
It's north of Okla.
Dutch liquid measures
Neighbor of Col.
State: Abbr.
Sunflower state: Abbr.
Near Ark.
Neighbor or Col.
The 34th: Abbr.
Jayhawker State: Abbr.
Docking's state: Abbr.
Gov. Hall's state: Abbr.
Jayhawker's home: Abbr.
Where Emporia is: Abbr.
Home of 11 down: Abbr.
Gov. Arn's stale: Abbr.
Senator Capper's State: Abbr.
It's state song is "Home on the Range": Abbr.
"Little House on the Prairie" setting: Abbr.
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