Crossword Solver / Answers / LEFTRIGHT

Crossword Clues for LEFTRIGHT

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Clue Source Date
Nailed one's exit? Universal 21 May 2019
With 64-Across, the political spectrum, and a hint to this puzzle's theme Wall Street Journal 27 Feb 2019
Nailed one's exit?
With 64-Across, the political spectrum, and a hint to this puzzle's theme
When repeated, marching orders? New York Times 28 Feb 2018
When repeated, marching orders?
Repeated words in a drill sergeant's marching order, and a hint to how the first and second word, in turn, of each starred answer would be touch-typed
Repeated words in a drill sergeant's marching order, and a hint to how the first and second word, in turn, of each starred answer would be touch-typed
Drill-sergeant's words
Sergeant's chant
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