Crossword Clues for LELY

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Clue Source Date
Portrait painter Sir Peter
Peter -, 17thcentury painter whose works include Girl with a Parrot (4)
Peter -, 17th-century painter whose works include Girl with a Parrot Mirror Quiz 24 Feb 2024
17th-century painter Sir Peter ___
"Duke of York" artist, Sir Peter ___
Sir Peter ___, famous Dutch painter from the 1600s
Loss leader fronting cathedral
Sir Peter --, 1618-80, portrait painter The Telegraph General Knowledge 17 May 2015
17th century Dutch portrait artist
Portrait painter Peter
Court painter to Charles II
"Windsor Beauties" painter
17th-century painter Peter
"Windsor Beauties" painter
Sir Peter ___, painter of British royalty
"The Windsor Beauties" painter
Dutch painter
Dutch portraitist : 17th century
Dutch painter: 1618–80
Dutch painter: 17th century
Dutch painter.
Dutch painter in England.
17th century Dutch painter.
Charles II's court painter.
Noted Dutch painter.
Dutch-English painter.
Dutch portrait painter in England.
Dutch portrait painter.
Dutch painter in England, Sir Peter ___.
Court painter to Charles II.
Dutch portrait painter Peter
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