Word "LEVANT" Definitions:

Part of Speech:
a heavy morocco often used in bookbinding
levant morocco

Part of Speech:
run off without paying a debt

Part of Speech:
the former name for the geographical area of the eastern Mediterranean that is now occupied by Lebanon, Syria, and Israel

Crossword Clues for LEVANT

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Clue Source Date
Historical name for the countries of the eastern Mediterranean shores (6)
East Mediterranean region (6)
Decamp The Telegraph Quick 01 Dec 2022
Around five the French worker gets to bunk off The Telegraph Cryptic 01 Jul 2021
Area in the Middle East, includes the historic areas of Palestine, Israel and Syria Irish Times Simplex 14 Aug 2019
Eastern Mediterranean region LA Times Daily 30 Aug 2018
Eastern Mediterranean region The Washington Post 30 Aug 2018
Decamp from Eastern Mediterranean area The Telegraph Cryptic 04 May 2018
Part of ISIL New York Times 06 Apr 2018
Part of ISIL
Eastern Mediterranean region
Eastern Mediterranean region Wall Street Journal 30 Dec 2017
Do a bunk in vehicle during period of tenancy
Eastern Mediterranean The Telegraph Quick 14 Jul 2017
Even the Spanish left a worker in the eastern Mediterranean
Abscond from somewhere in the Middle East
Run off without paying a debt
Pianist/actor Oscar
Eastern Mediterranean area
Pianist/actor Oscar
Mediterranean region
Oscar who said: "I'm a concert pianist, that's a pretentious way of saying I'm unemployed"
Pianist Oscar
Mediterranean region
Run off without paying a debt
Eastern Mediterranean region
Acerbic pianist Oscar
Actor/pianist Oscar
Oscar in "Rhapsody in Blue"
"The Unimportance of Being Oscar" author
Pianist/actor Oscar
Eastern shores of the Mediterranean
Oscar at the piano
Actor/pianist Oscar
Actor/pianist Oscar
Actor/pianist Oscar
Gershwin colleague
Gershwin interpreter Oscar
___ morocco (leather)
Oscar ___, memorable pianist
Memorable pianist Oscar ___
Syria, Lebanon and neighbors
Oscar, the memorable musical wit
Syria, Lebanon, Israel, etc.
Composer-pianist Oscar: 1906–72
Oriental area.
Eastern region.
Coastal region, Asia Minor to Israel.
Region from Greece to Egypt.
Eastern Mediterranean area.
Part of the East.
Mediterranean countries.
Mediterranean regions.
Oscar of the piano.
Mediterranean area ruled by Kublai's Tartar chiefs.
Eastern Mediterranean countries.
Coastal regions of Asia Minor and Egypt.
Middle East, from W Greece to W Egypt.
Region of East Mediterranean.
Countries washed by Eastern Mediterranean.
Oscar who said "Under this flabby exterior is an enormous lack of character"
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