Crossword Clues for LIEAT

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Clue Source Date
"___ anchor" (be moored): 2 wds.
"___ anchor" (stay still, nautically): 2 wds.
___ anchor (be moored): 2 wds.
___ anchor (stay still, nautically): 2 wds.
"___ the heart of..." (important part of something): 2 wds.
___ anchor (stay still, nautically) New York Times 06 Jan 2019
___ anchor (stay still, nautically)
___ anchor (stay put, nautically) Universal 27 May 2015
___ anchor (stay put, nautically)
___ anchor
___ anchor (stay put, nautically)
___ the heart of
Words with "the feet of" or "the bottom of"
"___ my mercy all my enemies": "The Tempest"
___ anchor (be moored)
___ anchor.
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